Trust 2

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"We need to talk"  -T

"Ok" - jk


Jungkook sat on the next sofa beside tae ..

"Pls fast . I am tried "-jk

"Do u love me"-T

"What type of questions you are asking me Tae I am trie-" -Jk

"You gonna answer only what I am gonna ask not anything else .."-T

Tae voice was cold and calm.  Jungkook shiver at tae voice . So he just nods.  Even he found Yeontan their naughty dog also laying on floor.  That make jungkook more shiver cuz yeontan always roam around, bark he always do that when he feel fear. Animals can assume things fast than humans do. So Jk choose do what tae said .

"So Do you love me?"-T


"Do you want us to be together?"-T


"Do you get bored of me now after 6 years?"-T


"Do you feel ashamed of me?"-T


"Do you like to kiss me anymore"-T


"Then why you stop that"-T


"Do you like to made love with me?"-T

"Wait.. Correction.. Do you like to have sex with me ... or more like to fuck me anytime you want "-T

Jungkook felt some pain on his heart.


"Ok... Let me give you a situation "-T


"For three or four months I become so "busy".. I cant give you anytime for my uni projects. So You didnt mind that cuz you trust  me. But One day you woke up look beside you I am gone. So you just push it off cuz I am doing for awhile now. You suddely got a msg from Suga hyung. In this msg he asked you if you checked my uni account.  You just say no as you just woke up. He simply asked u to check that.  As a obident boy do and found a most popular  video for  now.  You click that and found me and younghoon making out while performing a dance in the end we kiss .... So how you gonna feel"-T


"Let me tell you another.... you asked me about that video . But casually said that It's just for more popularity .. So you Trust me. But Joon hyung  suga hyung telling you something is wrong but you still believing me. Cuz you Trust me. But suddenly whom know us started to call or msg you and asked how we broke up.. how they like you . How they knows our relationship gonna be broke  . When he suga hyung gonna sent you long msg saying take a break or end this relationship.  Or Your so called friend call you at a cafe and try to give u valid points why ypu should and how much you should break up with me.  How you gonna feel"-T


"No.. no just answer me. How you gonna feel when everyone like to see me with another man .. How much  we look good together. How much.... how much"-T..

Tae just get up from the sofa run to their room and locked that door and sat near the door and started to cry whice he  was  holding the whole time.

Jungkook just looking at the wall blankly.  He couldnt think how much tae gone .. how much that was hard for him. How much tae trust him. How can he agree for that MV. That song wasnt that sensual but he did . He knew broke the last bit of a trust he had on him . He become so much greedy for his fam so ruin his lover life ... Jungkook didnt notice but a drop of water fall from his eyes..

That night was really suffocated for both of them . Both them sleep while crying. Both were hurt . One was hurt cuz he feel like he don't deserve other and other was hurt cuz he broke tye trust.

Trust is like a glass If It's broke once It never turns back like before. It's always left a  mark .


If anyone want part3 comment.

I hope you guys like that.

I am writing this at 2:42 am so If there is any mistakes ... I am sry

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