My Queen titi

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¶ Age gap
¶ sensitive topic ( for few maybe )

this based on 19's

In a royal place  , two queens were talking , wearing gorgeous garments , jewelries .

" Oh , queen tete , My king brought me this ring . Ha ha ha  ( fake laugh ) "

" Thats cute , queen chichi . But look at my phone . Its a brand new I-phone 45 . Custom made with diamonds "

" Yahh ... Its not true.  There is no such a thing name I-phone 45 tae"

Suddenly the place turn into a pastel color room along with the queen tete and queen chichi turn into Jeon Taehyung and Min Jung Jimin . 

" Oh comon . I was a royal jimin  . " Taehyung point out . Jimin shake his head as a no . " Nah . Still no . I am playing with you anymore.  "

Taehyung roll his eyes . " Did you just roll your eyes.  Wait " saying that jimin left the room .

Soon Jin come inside the room oh sorry drag inside the room.  " What happened ? "

" He being a kid , is annoying " jimin and tae both complain.  Jin was supposed to say something . When he saw his earrings on tae's ear than he look jimin wearing his ring which namjoon gift him not so long ago.  Than he took a step back founding both of them wearing his dress which is looking like a long dress in their small body.  .

" Is those are mine ? Like everything.  You guys are wearing " jin asked ..

Jimin and tae looked at each other.  " Its your fault . I am not playing with you anymore " both shout indicating the fault is others not his .

Jin sigh knowing they do this everything.  They looked at them. .. " Royal ? " Both nods . " Umm then let me join . I am queen jiji " other nods . 

The pastel room again turn into a a royal place with three queens this time .

Kim Seokjin , Jeon Taehyung , Min jung jimin are the omega and mates of the pack most powerful mens . But their age is something concerning.   Jin is 16 , jimin is 13 meanwhile tae is only 12 . But their mates are older . Namjoon is 28 , yoongi and hobi is 28 and 27 . Jungkook is 25 .

The alpha's really do their best to take care of them.  But eventually they needs to leave them with the pack elders and their parents.  And those aren't best for them. .

Jimin was playing with Taehyung when he felt pain in his lower stomach.  He felt is just not for eating or playing alot.  He was wearing a white dress.  He felt something is dripping.   He touch the back of his dress and saw red liquid.  He was scare .. he ran to to living room where everyone was sitting mostly the man's of the house except for those three. 

" Mama , look . Something happened to me.  Am i dying or " slap . In return he got a slap . Taehyung who was running behind him . Also stop . The whole house got silent.  Jimin just touch his cheeks  .

Jimin's mother in law drag him outside the house and jin's mother in law brought a key to the a sperate two room house  and they drag Jimin with them. 

Jimin was scare as hell and everything was happening not helping at all. 

" Jimin . That slap was for going in front of your father in laws like this.  When ever you see blood.  Here is the key . You will come here and stay here till you see no blood . And dont you dare let jin or tae come in.  Their are pure . You will be pure after 7 or 10 days.  Here . Those are two clothes.  And i will be sending.  Rice and boil potatoes.  You will eat this only.  And You wont speak a word regarding this to yoongi or hobi . "
Saying that the left not before giving a look to jin who were holding tae. 

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