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Ren's footsteps echoed across the floors, her expression stone cold and unreadable as she passed by all the cells. Stopping by one of them, she saw someone lying down, staring at the ceiling blankly. She clicked her fingers and the person turned to her slowly, looking at her, bored but with a hint of hostility.

"Roger Lancelyn Green. You are coming with me." Ren cuffed him and dragged him out of his cell without any trouble, handing him over to Ozaki's unit quickly before going back to her office, where Chuuya was waiting.

"So do we know their location?" Chuuya looked up.

"I asked Ozaki to do that since she owes me. So we'll be taking the Black Lizard as well as the first unit of the Guerrilla Squad at 9:15pm and we'll take care of them. You're there as backup. So storm the base, attack and leave. I will be leading the first units of the Guerrilla Squad and the Black Lizard along with my subordinates and Akutagawa, and Higuchi will probably be there was well. You have the secondary units positioned in the west and east wings with your decoys at the entrance which you can use to stage a pincer attack. I had my subordinates map out the building so we will be taking the route mapped out in blue and some of my subordinates will be disabling the security system through the vents which is the red route, and the green route is our backup." She held out a map with a lot of coloured lines stretching across, weaving together in an intricate pattern, talking quickly.

"What the fuck?" He held up his hand to stop her and tried to process the information, lifting up his head and nodding. "When did you come up with that?"

"Yesterday." She took the map back and went to her desk, working on something on her computer.

Walking over to the Black Lizard headquarters, she quickly made sure everyone was there. The room had a heavy silence, and Akutagawa was the person giving out the information, and Ren stood to the side. People looked at him in respect and cowering in the corner, and some others looked at her in interest and fear. The room was mostly dark and everyone listened intently, making sure that they remembered all the orders they were given. It was pitch black and there was a freeze that froze everyone, and they stopped in front of a building, all the units moving quickly to their assigned location, and Ren stood with Akutagawa and their units. The building was lit, and some people were still working. There were a few voices that could be heard and she looked towards Akutagawa.

"Why do I have to listen to you? It's not gonna get me the recognition of Dazai-san." He grumbled.

"You keep saying 'Dazai, Dazai', and you just sound desperate, so shut up and let's go. This is an Executive order." She sighed and clicked her fingers, and they started bashing down the doors with a loud crash, mowing down everyone in the rooms.

Saying something into a radio, she nodded, taking out her gun to fire at somebody and dodged a bullet. "My subordinates have disabled the security system. Go crazy." She left the room as they finished the floor, and everyone moved on to the next floor.

There were significantly less people on that level, but the people there were more experienced, and they spent more time on it, the employees putting up more of a fight, but still ended up being destroyed.Ren jumped over someone and shot them in the head, weaving through the fighting, the cacophony of gunshots drowning out everyone else. The halls were filled with men wearing suits firing at all strangers. Blood spattered across the walls and there was the sound of multiple bodies hitting the ground. Ren made her way up the stairs, the noise of the chaos slowly fading as she saw Akutagawa looking at her before resuming fighting. Silently making her way down the hallways, she found a door and stood outside of it, taking out her gun and tensing up, concentrating.

Kicking down the door violently, she tilted her head back to avoid a bullet and pointed the barrel of her gun towards the person in the centre of the room. Hemingway turned towards her, raising his eyebrows and taking out a gun of his own.

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