The hard part

Beginne am Anfang

I nodded and shouted at Jin.



Y/N:"Could you bring some water? I need it for ice powers!"

Jin nodded and did some hand motion before a big bucket of water appeared infront of me.

Great! Now step forward and touch the water's surface. After that try to think of ice, of snow, of something freezing. Then focus on the surface and ice at the same time.

I did just that and slowly from the tip of my fingers, small snowflakes started to come out and soon the whole surface of water was frozen. I smiled to myself. I stood up and lifted the bucket so Jin and Hoseok could see.

Hoseok clapped and Jin nodded approvingly.

Jin:"Great, we have the ice! We're improving quite quickly! Maybe you'll know all the powers by the end of the day!"

I nodded at Jin's statment.

Okay, Dawn. What's next?

Time skip

Jin's pov.

I looked down at my notes.

Mind control


Martial arts





Mind reading

Time control


Ice power

Control over anything

I bit down on my pen and looked at Y/N trying to control her mother's power, control over anything. She was trying that power for over an hour. Flying and invisibility went through fast. Mind reading was a little longer but this power is taking the longest out of six of them. Of course it won't be the longest. She still has time control and martial arts which I think will take the most of our time.

Then I looked on my right where I saw Yoongi coming through the doors with four white boxes in his hands. Probably the lunch for us. He greeted me since I was the only one on the balcony. Hoseok went to the bathroom. He put down the boxes on the table and looked over my shoulder. He then looked at Y/N.

Yoongi:"How long is she trying this one?"

Jin:"For about an hour and ten minutes."

Yoongi:"And she still doesn't get it?"

I turned away from her and went to the table where I put down my notes.

Jin:"You don't understand. It's really hard to master this power and the thing that tells you a lot is she mastered five of them in three hours. She's strong and smart but this power belonged to her mother who was also the strongest of The white werewolfs."

I opened the boxes and took out the food inside of them.

Jin:"So it's only logical that this is one of the difficult powers. I don't know why would Dawn chose this power. She could try lightning."

We heard a loud groan coming from Y/N and turned to her. She was lying on her back beside the bucket she was trying to move for the past hour. She was hopelessly staring at the sky. I sighed.

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt