The beginning

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Somewhere behind seven rivers, three mountains, nine vallies and twelwe forests, there was a land unknown to the human knowledge. In time of our story, the half of the land wasn't even discovered yet. But the size of the land isn't our theme for today.

We'll rather focus on two souls, living on this land, destined to find eachother. One with a perfect life and the other with what you would call "a living hell." And because perfection can sometimes be boring, let's take a look at the "living hell", shall we?

Y/N's pov.

It's a start of an ordinary day I thought to myself.  But oh, was I wrong. Before we start, I'm gonna introduce myself. My name is Y/N and I'm a part of a wolf pack named Star pack. I'm the weakest wolf in our pack but my fur is white. That usually means I'm supposed to be one of the strongest wolves, like my mother.

But I'm not and because of that, Alpha never takes me to hunt with them and no one respects me. Surprisingly, today was different. When I was washing myself in river, our Alpha came to me.


Y/N:"Oh, hey Jackson"

Jackson was the strongest and the biggest in our pack. That also explains why he's our Alpha. But his fur is nothing special. Just an ordinary dark gray colour.

Jackosn:"I know how you can't beat even a kid, but I think I should give you a chance. Mabye you will change on terrain."

Y/N:"Seriously? You'r not joking? You're actually asking me to go hunting with you?"

Jackson:"Yeah, now stop acting weird before I change my mind."

And with that he walked away. I was so happy. I finally got a chance to proof myself. I quickly finished my washing and went to prepare myself mentally.

Time skip - One hour later

One wolf started calling other wolfs which meant it's time to hunt. I rushed to the meeting spot and waited for other wolfs to gather. Since I didn't have any friends, it was very boring but time passed by and soon Alpha came.

He gave us informations for hunting and then we started running to the spot of our prey. Now, I have two favourite things to do. Looking at the full moon and running. It's pretty weird, I'm weakest but fastest wolf in our pack. When I run I just get lost in everything, cold but pleasant wind, fragrant nature, beautiful surroundings.

And this time it wasn't any different. I closed my eyes and forgot about everything. I got so lost in running that I didn't even realised where I was running. And when I opened my eyes, it was very dark and scary. I looked around me and saw that forest wasn't even green. I got suspicious and took in the smell around me. And that's when it hit me.


I just turned around and ran as fast as I could. Soon I heard someone was running behind me. I looked back and saw three HUGE wolves. The joke is they weren't wolves. After that I just ran and ran but footsteps were getting more closer and closer with every step I took. Then I looked behind me again but there were only two werewolfs.

I questioned myself where is the third but soon forgot about that because I saw the lighter part of the forest and was so happy. Just a little more. I was really just few steps away from the light when suddenly ball of fur hit me from my left. I landed on the ground and after that I saw only dark.

I woke up on the ground but was still in the "dark forest". I couldn't move because my head really hurted. And then I heard three voices talking to each other.

???:"I say we kill her."

When I heard that voice I got scared. I didn't want to die. I mean, yeah I am useless but still. The answer of next and much lower voice calmed me down.

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now