The magic

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We sat down on the carpet cross-legged. Jin stayed silent for a few minutes and observed me with serious face. I stared back confused. Then he started to speak in very serious and quiet voice.

Jin:"When I first saw you, I didn't see any magic in you. But now that I got a closer look at you, you really seem different. Tell me, do you have any other experiances with magic?"


He hummed.

Jin:"Well, in order to reach magic in you, we'll have to release some of your inner feelings. I'm gonna ask you some questions that you may be sensitive to. "

He made some hand motions on the carpet and moments later, a blue sign appeared on it (picture above).

Jin:"This is where we'll be collecting your feelings. Once it will be enough of it, I'll feel it and I'll tell you to stop."

I nodded.

Jin:"Okay. Close your eyes, breath in, breath out. Try to relax. Don't think about anything else except the things I ask you about."

I did as he said. I have a bad feeling about this.

Jin:"Okay. Now, have you ever been in a relationship?"

Wait... what?


Jin:"Have you ever fell in love?"

Y/N:"Yes... but no."

Jin:"Please tell me about it."

Y/N:"Well... there is this one guy in my previous pack, his name is Jay. He's that one wolf which every woman wants to be with. When I was a teenager, I had a crush on him. I tought that was love until he totally broke my heart when he started to make fun of me like everyone else."

Jin:"Hmmm... So young love that wasn't real. That's good but not enough. How about your mother? Tell me about her."

I took a sharp breath.

Y/N:"She was the only person from my pack that didn't make fun of me. When she was still alive, no one made fun of me because everyone respected her. She was the strongest wolf in our pack. Because of that, everyone asked her if I was really her child. I was... nothing like her. She was strong, beautiful, smart and all that I wasn't. She would always tell me that one day I'm gonna show what I'm capable of to all this laughing wolfs. That I'm gonna be even better then her.

But then she died. She died of heart attack. And just like that, I lost her. I couldn't even say goodbye. I cried myself to sleep weeks after. I wasn't the only one who was sad. The whole pack mourned after her but no one comforted me. Because they didn't care. They didn't care that I lost... everything."

At the end, a small tear rolled down my cheek. Jin reached out to catch it and put it in the sign.

Jin:"That's better. We have a slight love, a little regret, happy memories and a lot of saddnes. All we now need is anger. What was something that angered you in your life?"

I thought. I was a little angry on my dad but I couldn't blame him. Maybe he's busy with something really important and that's why he couldn't find me yet. Or maybe he didn't even know I existed. That probably won't be enough. Ah... I got it.

Y/N:"There's someone I met yesterday that angered me. His name is Park Chanyeol."

Jin:"Ah, yes. Park Chanyeol, the playboy and f**kboy of this city. I'm sorry that you had to meet him so soon. He's really an a**hole, isn't he?"

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ