The prisoner

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*!Trigger warning! There is some blood mentioned in this chapter*

Great. I feel great.

Yay, so much sarcasm.

After the shocking news that were delivered in the Throne room, everyone that used to look at me with admiration and the feeling of protection now saw a creature, born from a monster itself.

A devil's child.

Werewolfs demanded my captivity but Jimin was quick to defend me, saying I'm nothing like my father. Despite the prince's protest, I was dragged away by guards even tho I could beat all of their weak asses. But that would just show how much of a monster I really am.

Right now I was sitting in one of the prison cells in the dungeon that was almost empty. Beside me, there was another prisoner that I haven't bothered to look at. The city doesn't have a lot of criminals. I was sitting on the wooden bench inside the cell with a piece of bread and small glass of water on the floor infront of me. I couldn't even touch the bread because it smelled like hundred-years old and the water wasn't even clean. They probably gave me the worst stuff they got.

I had my head in my hands while thinking... how did this happen to me?

Just yesterday I knew I finally found my family and I was the saviour of the city. But now this supposedly 'saviour' is being imprisoned by the same city she was supposed to protect. I could easily escape them with my powers but I don't think they'll need long before finding me again.

Then I heard some coughing from the other cell that was infront of mine. I looked up and saw some pretty young werewolf being chained by his wrists to the wall. His back was leaning against the cold brick wall and he was seating on the floor unlike me. His face was sharp and skinny, like he hasn't eaten in days. I can't blame him, the food here is terrible. But despite the bad food, his skin still looked flawless and soft with a few cuts here and there. His hair was perfectly styled like he just came from a fashion show.

 His hair was perfectly styled like he just came from a fashion show

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While I was scanning his face, the stranger spoke up. He had deep and raspy voice. It seemed like he hasn't spoken for quiet a long time.

???:"So... what brings the great Silver werewolf, last White warrior and protector of this city in forgotten, rotten place like this one?"

I sighed.

Y/N:"I'm flattered by the introduction but I'm not that great as you described me."

He shrugged and leaned on the wall even more.

???:"Everyone has their own heroes painted. So?"

I thought you forgot.

Y/N:"Daddy issues. Everyone heard me when I said who my long lost father is. My name is Y/N by the way."

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant