The Golden Room

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After the burning disaster that happened in the castle, Jin disscused the new location of his 'office' with The Alpha. Seunghyun promised he will fix the destroyed tower and in the mean time, the witch can borrow one of the unused towers. When the deal was made, our gang went back to Jimin's house. When we came back, everyone else already left. I wasn't angry, I understood the fire caused panic between our people.

Namjoon and Jin went to their house to check if they maybe have some sort of magic books at home so that everything wouldn't be lost. Hoseok had to go to a blacksmith for his new sword and Yoongi had to train other werewofls that were still new to fighting in their wolf form.

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting in the living room when I came back from the bathroom. They were quiet and thinking about this situation. I sat down beside Jimin and looked around. Everyone is so depressed. Should I do something?

Yes, please. I'm gonna die from sadness here.

Y/N:"Hey, guys?"

They lifted their gazes from whatever they were looking at and focused on me.

Y/N:"I know, now's probably not the brightest time of our lifes, but I have an idea that may help lift your mood? If you want to try it?"

Jungkook:"Yeah, what is it?"

I smiled to myself. They're already interested, good.

Y/N:"Remember how I said I'll show you The Golden Room one day?"

Taehyung's eyes lit up with excitment.

Y/N:"How about we try it today?"

He looked at Jungkook and Jimin with pleading eyes. Jungkook also looked happy and gave the same look as Taehyung to the prince. Jimin exchanged looks with them and nodded with a sigh. Taehyung let out a little yell of happiness and ran to the door. The rest of us slowly but surely followed behind.

Time skip - in front of The Golden Room

We stopped in front of a familiar golden door. I looked at the side to see Taehyung looking at me impatiently. I laughed at his expression and pushed the doors open.

Y/N:"Welcome, boys."

They stepped inside and I closed the doors behind them. Taehyung and Jungkook looked around wide-eyed while Jimin went to get a closer look at the gold things inside since he only saw them from the distance. I cleared my throat.

Y/N:"Yuri, welcome our first guests."

Their expression was just like mine when I first saw Yuri forming himself. After a few seconds, the golden dust formed an older but friendly face looking at the boys.

Yuri:"Hello, Mr Taehyung, Mr Jungkook, prince Jimin. It's an honor to meet you all. Miss Y/N told me a lot about you."

Taehyung stared at him, eyes and mouth wide opened.

Taehyung:"I feel so old now. I never knew someone would call me Mr before my 30s."

Yuri:"My deep apologies, Mr Taehyung, if I made you uncomfortable. But I was made to be respectful to everyone who talks to me."

Jungkook:"What a shame Jimin isn't like you."


And here they go, bickering again. I softly laughed at them while Yuri whispered me something.

Yuri:"Is this how today's youth is supposed to act?"

Y/N:"I don't know if everyone else acts like them, but they're like this every day."

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now