The change

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I furrowed my eyebrows. He was right? Then one of the maids brought in something big. It looked like frozen water but with clear surface. And then I saw it.

I saw my reflection in that big frozen water. I looked like a human. I had white hair which reached my hips. I had very sparkly and white eyes. My lips were just as full as all others. Maybe a little bit more full. My cheeks were as full as my lips. My skin was in between white and burned color. I was wearing a ripped skirt and a crop top in white and gray color.

After I fully looked at myself, I started to look around me. Everyone was staring. Some stares were out of jealousy, some were staring in awe.

Jungkook:"So... what are we going to do with her?"
Alpha:"Everyone, except Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and half werewolf here, get out of here."

Everyone rushed out of the room as soon as they heard Alpah's order. Because his voice was all but friendly and honestly in that moment I wanted to get out of here, too.

Alpha:"I'm sorry for being rude before. My name is Choi Seunghyun. But I prefer to be called Alpha. What's your name?"


Alpha:"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I guess you already know the names on these three young men."

Y/N:"Yes, I do. And I'm sorry for my behaviour too. I just... I had enough of everyone thinking I'm some trash."

Alpha:"From my experiances I think you had rough past. I'm sorry for whatever you had to go through. But I promise here you will have a better life. If you agree to stay, of course."

Y/N:"Of course. It will be my honor."

Alpha:"Great. If you don't mind, you will live with Jimin until you don't get your own place to live."

I blushed at the thought of him taking care of me. How sweet would that be?

Y/N:" If that's okay with Jimin."

I looked at him and again he smiled his heart-warming smile in which his eyes dissapeared. I swear, once my heart will really melt.

Jimin:" That's okay with me.'

Alpha:" Excellent! Also -"

He looked Jimin death in the eyes and said:

"- don't do anything I wouldn't do"

Jimin widened his eyes and I blushed even more.

Jimin:" Father! Don't embarrass me!"

Seunghyun just laughed.

Alpha:" The younger ones are so funny."

I hid my face in my hands and squealed inside. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked who it was.

Taehyung:" Are you okay?"

He sounded playful.

Y/N:" Yeah, just trying to gain my emotions. It was easier when I had furr."

He laughed and we focused back on Jimin who was also red and still yelling at his father who was just laughing at our reaction. Who knew that stone-faced wolf could be this playful.

Alpha:" Okay, enough. We shouldn't keep our guest waiting. Go on, Jimin. You two. Your job is to teach Y/N everything she needs to know about life and people here, along with Jimin. You are justified of hunting. Make sure to teach her all that in three weeks. Because that's when the training will begin. You all are dissmised."

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now