The encounter

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Vanitas POV

I woke up early in the morning, took a shower, eat my breakfast and wear my uniform. It's back to school so I have to wake up early in the morning.. I went to the garage and started to drive.


I arrived at school and girls began to scream. I mentally facepalmed myself.. Seriously, they're still crazy for me? Tss..

"Vanitas! We miss you!" A girl shouted and screamed

Yada yada yada.. I just ignore them and walked past them.

"Good morning Vanvan!" I heard someone greeted me and I saw Xion with her friends.. Kairi walked towards me with a smile

"Hey Vanitas! I just wanted to thank you for saving Destiny Island." She said and I nod my head

"No prob."

"So let's go inside?" Roxas said and we all went to our classroom

"So how's your vacation guys?" Kairi suddenly asked us when we enter the room

"Well, just having some training.." Namine said and smiled

"What? That sucks.." Ventus commented

"Well, we also have some fun at the beach and at the mall.." Namine added

"What about you two?" Kairi asked the twins

"Well.. We went to the beach and go to other places like Halloween Town and Hollow Bastion. That's why we got extended.." Ventus answered

"Oh wow.. You guys seem to have fun. What about you Xion and Vanitas?" They looked at us

"Well.. Im just at home. Going to the mall and just watch some movies. Oh and, me and Van went to the Cristal Festival.." Xion said and smiled at them

"So the both of you are dating at the festival?" Kairi asked in a teasing look

"Well, no.." Xion simply said but her cheeks are pinkish

"Well you Vanitas?"

"The same as her but I also get missions from Mr. Evans' agency.." I said. I dont remember them talking to me like this. The stares they gave me before, are now like a normal one. No hate.

"So you're working there permanently?" Ventus asked me and I shook my head

"It's like a summer job.." I simply answered


We heard the door opened and a teacher came inside

"Alright class.. Im Rick Harvard. I will be your adviser for the whole year." The teacher said and now we begin to our boring class

Unknown POV

"Ugh! Im super late at school!!" I said as I hurried to school. Im using a skate board since my house is not too far from CHU. I have a Headphone in me and Im listening Hikari from Utada Hikaru

I enter the campus gate and looked at my watch


I mentally cursed and looked at the road again. I noticed people are staring at me.. I wonder why?

I stopped when Im near the school building entrance. While walking I heard whispers about me, well a whisper but a little loud? Is that even a whisper?

"Is that Vanitas??" A girl asked

"But I just saw him awhile ago!" The other girl said

"They look so much alike but only with different color hair and eyes.."

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat