1st day of search

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(A/N) Xiru's in the picsu~! Anyway, the story has a few chapters left I think! But since Im a busy girl, poor in having internet, aaaand having no booster/inspiration.. The story might end in next year..meh.. but if Im in the mood and finished the story miraculously before this year ends, then.. The end then! xD joke, there are sequels (planning and prologues are already drafted). So here is the lousy update from a lousy writer xD Enjoy~

Vanitas POV

We all started to search for Xehanort in the first world. After the day of our outing, we went home, get some rest, and started the search in the morning. Hell said we will first try searching at the Land of Dragons.

"So, Hell.. Please lead the way." Mr. Evans said. Hell started walking and we followed him, we were at some camp but it seems there was war in here coz the tents were burned.

"There must be some ambush." I heard Kairi said. I looked behind me to glance at them, we're all searching in one world. Me, Xion, Hell, Sora, Ventus, Roxas, Axel, Fuujin, Mr. Evans, Kairi, and Namine. Riku and the others handle the gummi ships in case if we retreat.


I hate that word. Retreating is a cowardly thing to do but there are times that I have to do it. If the battle was nonsense or if Im playing games. But I never retreat from a real fight.

"Vanitas, are you okay?" I heard Xion asked me so I looked at her and smiled.


"Nervous?" She asked again

"Hmm.. No. Are you?" I asked her this time. She paused for a second and sighed.

"A little. Im worried what might happen." She answered with a worried face

"Don't worry too much. We're gonna defeat him, you know all of us don't want to lose, right?" I said trying to cheer her up. She faced me and smiled

"Yeah.. We can do this." She cheered so I chuckled and kissed her cheeks which made her blush.

"Hey enough your mushy talk, we're in the middle of a search." Roxas suddenly said with a bored expression which made me roll my eyes.

"Dont be jelly, Roxy. Just keep walking." I said smirking so he just rolled his eyes at me and walked past us

We arrived at a mountain path, heartless started to show up so we defeated them one by one. We kept walking until we reached another path that has snow.

"We are almost near the summit." Mr. Evans informed so we kept on walking until we arrived to another village. We entered the village and saw people walking around and children playing in the snow.

"Those guards sure gave us a suspicious look." Sora commented

"That is because we dress differently." Ventus answered. Hell kept on walking passing through the crowd until a snowball hit him at the side.

"Uh oh.." Axel said. I saw Hell's hand turned into a fist and looked at the direction where the snowball came from. A kid ran towards him and apologized.

"Im sorry, mister." The kid muttered as he looked down, feeling ashamed on what he had accidentally done. Hell gave him a sharp stare, I was about to walk towards him and make him calm down but I saw him sighed and patted the kid's head and continue to walk. We blinked our eyes at what he did.

"Whoa and I thought he's going to explode." Agony suddenly said showing up with her creepy face that made Sora and Ventus surprised. The people stared at them confused and they just smiled and did a peace sign. I shook my head and continue to follow Hell, the others began to walk too while Agony disappeared. Guess she went back to Xion, I looked at my girl but she just smiled.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now