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(A/N) Okay, so this is a Kingdom Hearts story.. fan made.. all in this story is made in my thoughts.. So who is a fan in KH? I know some people will think it's stupid because that's what I read in fb.. but for me, it's one of my fave video games ^_^ Forgive me if ever I'll have wrong grammar and typos .. Im not really american xD I feel the story if I use english so here we go!

oh and also I'll add up some extras which is..made in my thoughts too.. nope, I wont tell you xD If you dont recognize someone or something then I made it in my mind..



this is my first story and I dont know if you'll like it or not -.-

and I am 15 yrs old.. Okay, I talk too much ^_^ Gomen Minna :3


I woke up because of the ray of light that shines in my face..


Who the hell needs it? Well, I dont.. I've been living in darkness in my entire life! And that darkness made me stronger..

I dont know who I am except I just woke up in a dark place but I wasnt alone.. A guy helped me and trained me HARD and it was a painful experience. He's my master but an evil one. He trained me how to use this so called Keyblade and some magic spells. He also taught me the history of Kingdom Hearts and some of the normal world lessons like math and science which is pretty boring. I dont know what he's doing but I just do what he says or Im gonna have a death wish. My master is the most wanted man in the Keyblade Warriors list and the most evil.

He never have mercy on me.. I hate him but I cant kill him. Because somehow he taught me this power and made me live.

One day, we were planning on how to make kingdom hearts appear but something bad happened.

While we are talking about the plan, the door suddenly slammed down and a group of keyblade warriors showed up. We began to fight back and I summoned plenty of my unversed. It was a bloody fight but in the end, we lost.

My master vanished while I was taken prison..

They gave me this kind of curse mark that can seal away my powers.. But they said it will slowly come back someday..

After 1 year of prison they decided to let me go and make me live like a normal kid. A guy suddenly did something to the curse on me so the powers will start coming back to me.. He said that he believes that I can change..


Will I ever change? I dont know.. I dont even care if they kill me but somehow there's a voice inside me to go on in this life..

I dont know what Im doing but I did what that voice said.. And now here I am, they enrolled me to a school and gave me a house to live. I dont know who gave me this chance but who the hell cares?

What Im thinking now is.. What awaits me in that school and in the future? Now that my master is gone.. What will happen?


Hiya~ to those old readers of the story.. I will change their stage names into their original names~ yeeey! Why? I realized hey.. I like it better if I read Vanitas' name as VANITAS than Vince :> although Imma miss their old names but naaaah.. I can live with that hue.. if you guys found some error in the names, Im sorry! Imma do a biiiig biiig biiig editting to all of the chapters and Im just using phone! Sucks to have no laptop boohoo.. I cry QAQ (my laptop broke) anyway.. enjoy!

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя