Wonderful Feeling

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Vanitas POV

"Oh cmon Xion.. It's not scary!" I said as I tried to drag Xion to the cinema to watch a movie.

We are now here at the mall, having a *cough* date. Well, it's just an ordinary date ofcourse but anyway.. I asked her to watch a scary movie, I actually won two tickets in a struggle tournament at school. The prizes ain't just the tickets though, I also won some munny and a trophy.

"Noo!" She yelled and tried to pull back her arm

And yeah, it's been weeks since we become couples. There are times we have some fights but it doesn't last long, Im not really used to having a girlfriend but Im doing my best for it.

"Oh please? I promise if you get scared I'll hug you, or just kiss you instead." I said smirking so she glared at me

"Vanitas! Im gonna have a nightmare!" She whined and frowned at me

"Then you'll sleep with me so you wont have a nightmare!" I replied and she groaned in irritation

"I.said.NO!" This time she yelled so that got the people's attention. I sigh in defeat and held my hands up for surrender. What can I do? She's the boss..

"Fine.." I said and looked away from her, to be honest Im a little upset. I dont know, I just want to see her scared and I'll be there to comfort her, the moves ofcourse *mentally smirked*. She became quiet for a second then I felt she held my hand and drag me inside the cinema which made me surprise and looked at her strangely. She gave the ticket to the guy who's been gathering it then she look over to her shoulder to see me.

"Well? We dont wanna miss the fun right?" She asked and dragged me to the door. We look for a seat and chose to sit in the upper chairs.

"I thought you'll have a nightmare if we watch this?" I asked her as we sat down

"Well, I know you're a little upset based on your expression and pouting." She replied shrugging so I frowned at her

"You dont have to do that."

" It's fine.. besides, you're here to hug me or kiss me right?" She asked so my frown turned into a smirk

"Are you sure Xion Reito?" I asked her again and she nod her head with a smile on her face. I smiled and put my arm around her as we watch the intro of the movie.

Minutes have passed and the monster is giving signs like some creepy stuffs been happening. We're in the part where the girl is alone in her room and heard a knock on her door. She opened it and no one is there but when she closed it and turn around to her room the monster showed itself like a ghost but then disappeared.

"Aaaah! Van!" Xion scream together with some other girls then she hugged me tight. I chuckled and play with her hair.

"It's just a ghost, it's not even real." I said but she just shook her head and nuzzled her face in my chest.

"No, it's still scary.." She said and watched again, she's covering her face with her hands but peeking a little between her fingers. I laughed a little because she looks cute..


We are almost near the ending and this is the part where the monster tried to possess her and shows itself often to the girl. Which made Xion scream and hits my head, she would hug me and would bite my hand.

"Waaah! Vanitas! I really saw its ugly and scary face! I wanna go home! Waah I cant take it any-"

I got a little irritated so I cut her off by kissing her. She frozed but then she respond to my kiss while the people are screaming in fear. I withdraw the kiss and looked at her blue eyes.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now