The jerk is back

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Vanitas POV

"Why did we come here again?" I asked Xion while standing infront of a different school.

"Vanitas you know we have to make this project now! We've been busy thinking on how to find Xehanort that we almost forgot our school project!" Xion said as she put her hands on her hips.

Yesterday our teacher scolded us for not passing the project yet. Good thing she gave us one more chance to make it but we have to pass it tomorrow. Then in the afternoon we went to find Xehanort which is.. no sign of him. Damn that old man is hard to find.

"See? This is what Im talking about. You're thinking about finding his whereabouts! Can we finish this project first, then after that, we can worry bout that old man." Xion whined and stared at me with furrowed brows. How cute.

"Fine whatever." I just mumbled. I grabbed her hand and entered the school campus.

Richford University. As I heard in rumors, the school's students have attitude problems. But, this is a very strict university and disciplines them. But some say, there are teenagers that cant be handled easily. Doesn't care if they got punished or something. We came here to have an interview to the Dean and to one student. That's that.

Why chose this school? We are assigned to it.

"Ooh pretty little girl!" I heard some guy shouted. I looked around and saw those guys are staring at my girl. I gave them a glare but they didn't seem to notice me and continue to stare at Xion with a smirk. I growled and grabbed her hand, then we switched places so they wont stare at her.

They seem to frown and didn't bother to speak again. Psh. Try touching my girl and they will taste my wrath.

"Vani, stop glaring at everyone. That's rude." Xion scolded

"How can I not glare when these boys keep staring at you like a maniac?" I frowned at her. She just chuckled which made my brows furrowed.

"What?!" I slightly hissed. She stopped and faced me. She suddenly poked my forehead and smiled sweetly that made me calm down.

"Dont mind them. It's not like they can touch me. Besides, you're the only one who can do that." She said with a wink. I blinked and stared at her. That sounds kinda off but oh well... I just sighed and hold her hand as we continue to walk. We went to the Dean's office first of course and did an interview. After the interview, we walked around the school to find a student and interview em.

"This school's aura is so tense." Xion suddenly said as she looked around. We stopped at the canteen to have a little snack and now we're sitting on a vacant table.

"Tell me about it. I wonder there are any nice people here." I said as I took a bite of my chicken sandwich.

"Hello, can we share seats?" We suddenly heard someone said and it was a girl with carrot colored hair, green eyes, and wears eyeglasses.

"Sure!" Xion gladly said and the girl smiled and sat down next to Xion. She seems to be alone and she doesn't seem to be bad.

"Thanks! Uhmm.. " She trailed off and looked at us "You guys aren't from here, are you?" She asked so we both nod our heads as an answer

"We came here to interview the Dean and one student for our project.." Xion said and she nodded her head.

"I see.."

"Hey why not we give you an interview instead?" I suddenly said and she stared at me with wide eyes

"M-me? Well... o-okay then."

"Nice.. Okay so, 1st interview is. From what year you started to school here and for what reason?" Xion asked and the girl began to think

"Hmm... Since I was 1st year college. Reason why is because.. Im much of a trouble maker back then." She said shyly and Xion nod her head as she wrote down in the notebook

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now