"Maybe. Maybe not. But it is a spell. And spells have loopholes, so..." she gave me a sympathetic look.

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm not. But we can't take it lightly either" 

"The original spell? How are they gonna do that? That's ancient magic" I looked at away in surprise.

"Yes. All your bloodlines were turned by different witches...but the same magic. The same spell" 

"Why are they going after us all of a sudden?" I muttered to myself.

"I don't know. But that bullet that you got shot with... that was one of their first tries, they..."

"What?" I snapped.

She let out a sigh.

"The hexed bullets. They used cloaking spells on hunters or werewolves to get into Vampire land and test out if it worked"

"I'm guessing that didn't work out well for them, huh" I gave let out an ironic chuckle

"Yes. It worked on regular Vamps, but it didn't work on you, that's when they decided to go all in..." her voice got lower.

"All in as in make a spell strong enough to take us down. Subdue even a pure blood" I shut my eyes in realisation.

"That's honestly not my worry Sage"

I shot my eyes back to hers. Ofcourse they still held fear, but not towards me. 

"What do you mean?"

"If they find the Original spell...not only can they reverse it, bit also create new pure bloods"

Oh shit. 

"I gotta get back before nightfall" she whispered. "The wolves have been asking around for me since the whole thing with Stefan..." 

"Speaking of Stefan" my memory was suddenly jogged. I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a little bag with a hanky in it.

"This is the blood we found on the wall. You said you'd find out who's it was" I handed it to her.

She took out the hanky, examining it. A few seconds of chanting and meditating and...

"Stefan" she muttered.

"Do a locator spell" I instinctively responded.

"I already tried that. But he's cloaked. I suppose that's why they didn't mind leaving his blood behind" she put the hanky back in the bag and put it into her pocket "You mind of I keep this? Incase I can push through the cloaking spell.."

I nodded. Not like I could do much with it anyway. 

"You can always stay in that house you cloaked" I owed her...for helping me cloak the house earlier and for putting her life at risk after my little stunt in Cohen. " Its not exactly in Kallihan. And no one will find you there"

"That's not a bad idea" she nodded "But my stuff is at Aubrey's house. I gotta get that"


We said bye and she left. I understand why she would rather want to tell me this in person than over the phone. 


First we were scrambling around, trying to find clues and figure out what was going on. Now everything was unraveling and coming at us at the same time and neither of us know where to turn. And Pheonix... The icing on the fucking cake.

I drove home as slow as I could, to put off having this conversation with the rest of them . But I was going to have to do it anyway. My mind swirling with the endless possibilities of how things could go wrong. 

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