Start from the beginning

      "I'm Chloe," she said stuttering.

   Davis walked over to her with a smile, he took her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on it, while the rest of them were watching with curious eyes. "I'm Davis Castle, the only friend that this idiot over here has." He pointed to Greg who had a scowl on his face.

    "Oh, its a pleasure to meet you," Chloe said gaining back her composure.

     "The pleasure is mine Señorita," Davis said with a little bit of Spanish accent entering his speech. Well it was understandable, if he spent so much time in Spain, its only natural that he learnt something.

   Ashley felt Greg pull her hand, then she turned to face him, "I need to have a talk with you."

   Though she was scared, but she knew it was about time they had that talk, they can't go on without having a real conversation. She stood up as Greg led her out of Chloe's room into his room. He opened the glass door leading to the balcony and led her there.

   "Well?" She asked.

  He stared at her with a smile before speaking. "It is about your father Ashley."

  She found herself stiffening up at this, he walked over to her side immediately and threw his arms around her.

    "What is it?"

    "The police still haven't gotten an hint to where he might be, and they weren't able to get enough evidence from your apartment. Its just that... I'm so sorry," he said quietly. She knew that Greg hired some detective to search out her father, that had been what got him and Davis so busy most of the time. She felt torn between two emotions, she didn't know whether she should be grateful to him or afraid for him.

  Ashley turned in his arms to face him, she saw that a frown had begun to form on his face, she straightened out the lines on his forehead and he seemed to ease up a little bit. "Is that why you are sad?"

     "I'm afraid you are stuck in my house till whenever he is found."

     "Okay," she said quietly. Staring up into his eyes that seemed to have her hypnotized by the minute.

  He bent towards her slightly, she felt he was going to kiss her, no, she knew, but he stopped just an inch away from her lips, he raised his head up. She could tell why he did this, he couldn't be sure if she was going to reject him. She decided to prove a point by pulling him down herself for the kiss but right then his phone decided to ring. He excused himself and walked into his room to answer the call.

   She faced out the balcony, staring at the beautiful view below her. Greg's room was directly opposite his garden, the garden he had created for his mother. She had found out from Nora that he worked on the garden himself, she found that so endearing.

There were thoughts playing around in her mind. Greg cared for her a lot, she could tell, but she really didn't deserve anything from him. She was also very afraid, she knew her secrets would be out once her father finds her. The reason her father is after her now has a lot to do with Greg, and that night two years ago.

      Her body shot up with awareness when she felt two arms go around her waist. She didn't need to turn to know it was Greg. She could feel it.

     "Ashley," he called out, deadly quiet.


    "Can I ask you a question?"

    "Okay," she answered quite unsure. She was sacred of his impending question, although she couldn't tell what it would be.

     "Did you mean it?" He asked gently getting her confused. "What you said to me that day, did you mean it? Do you really feel nothing for me?" As he asked these questions she felt her heart tearing apart, his voice sounded so hurt.

      "No," Ashley said truthfully. She felt his body relax behind her. "I do like you a great deal," if not love you, she added silently.

     "So your reason for breaking up with me?"

   "I was scared Greg, there are a lot of things I don't want you to find out, and I was so scared for your safety." She felt her throat clustering up, he turned her to face him and she found herself staring into his green eyes.

     "You don't need to be scared Ashley, if anything I want you to trust me with anything. I want you to know I will always be there for you," he said. She felt assured but she was scared he won't be there again once he finds out who she is and what she has done.

      He stared at her lips longingly, she could tell from the look in his eyes that he badly Wanted to kiss her, and she wanted the same. So she did the only thing her subconscious had been kicking her to do, she pulled him down with her right hand, towards her into a kiss.

     Greg stiffened with shock at first, but he soon regained his composure and kissed her back with  hunger. His arms went around her waist, he pulled her closer toward him, this results in her arm been squeezed fiercely, she let out out a sound of pain. He jerked up, staring at her with guilt.

    "I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" He asked scared.

      "Not really, but can we take my broken wrist into consideration," she said with a chuckle raising her left hand up.

   He smiled and pulled her into a light hug. "I missed you Ashley."


    Chapter thirty eight.
Mary Aden.


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