Chapter forty-seven

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"You want me to do what?!" I ask, staring at Alexis.

At the moment, I'm traveling with Timothy in America, so far it has been fun. Along the way I have been looking at rings for Shannon, but nothing has caught my eye yet. Right now I am in Shannon's penthouse in Los Angeles getting ready to go on the Jimmy Kimble show. That is until Alexis and Dante showed up out of nowhere.

"Come on Lucas please!! It's my big day and I want her there!" Alexis begs.

This is the most talkative and outgoing I've ever seen her, I guess it's because of the pregnancy she's like this.

"And I'm sure she'll be there willingly, with out my say so." I say, not seeing the problem.

"No, she won't! Not if our mother is there." she says.

Dante just sits there in his own world reading a cooking magazine.

"Have you asked her?" I ask.


"And what did she say?"


Well then, there's your answer.


"Don't you dare say that's my answer or I will throw this glass vase at you!" she says, aggressively.

Okay, I see that we are violent during this pregnancy.... I hope it doesn't run in the family.

"Well, what do you want me to do?! You know Shannon is stubborn and doesn't like your mother."

"I want you to sleep with her!" she demands.


Did she?...

I think she did...

"You want me to what?" I ask, making sure I heard her right.

"I said I want you to dick her down!"

Then Dante starts chocking in his chair. Timothy gets up to get him some water.

I don't blame you mate, Alexis has a whole new voice now.

"Okay, and then what?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Then if you deliver correctly, when you ask her she'll be so dazed and say yes to coming to my baby shower/gender reveal."

I don't think that's how it works. I could have got her to agree to it, if she didn't know you guys mother was there.

"You know nothing will overpower the hatred she has for your mother, right?" I say, stating the obvious.

"She will if it comes from you."

No she won't. It's sweet that you think I have that type of power, but no.

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