Chapter sixty-three

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Doing something a little different for the Hit List chapters.
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Chapter Sixty-Three: Hit List:Victim number One: David Cruz
Time: 10:00 am EST.
Location:Cumberland Island Corp., ME
POV: Third Person Omniscient

"SIR! SIR!" Henry, the trusted assistant for six years of David Cruz, yells running throughout the halls of the building gripping onto his files for dear life.

I can't believe it. How could this have happened?!

"What the hell Henry?!" the famous David Cruz, asks startled from his seated position at his desk. As a frantic Henry comes in.

"Oh sir it's so bad." he says.

"Spit it out, what's wrong boy?!"

Henry spills all the files he just got from all the head departments today out of his arms onto the mahogany desk.

"This can't be." David thought in his head as he frantically scans the papers laying on his desk.

"What the hell happened Henry?! Why the hell are my stocks and quotas down?! We were just fine yesterday!"

A pissed off David asks, with stress evident on his face now.

"That's not all sir, look! We're losing investors left and right. They are all pulling their money out from us." Henry says, showing David a stack of papers.

"What the fuck is going on?!... this-this doesn't seem right." David thought, shaking his head not believing what's happening to him and his baby; of which is his company.

"Excuse me, excuse me ma'am, but you can not go in there." Eric, David's receptionist, yells as they barge into David's office.

"What the hell is this?!" David asks, feeling his blood pressure rise.

"Sir, my name is Agent Grace, I am with the FBI. And I have a warrant for your arrest along with a warrant to search your company's database for any illegal dealings." the woman states, as her colleagues come in and start setting up their things.

"What is the meaning of this me and my company is innocent!...innocent I say!" David yells, struggling to get out of the hold of the two officers who now has him. "Henry! Get my lawyer on the line and figure out what the hell is going on!"

As the officers drag David out and down the long hallway he sees his twelfth floor of his company torn to pieces. With papers everywhere, and officers and agents starting to interrogate his innocent workers. While others setup their high tech equipment. Just seeing this monstrosity he can only imagine what the other eleven floors must be going through.

At this point so much is going on he can't even wrap his head around it. Stepping onto the elevator he starts to think what could he have done wrong. He couldn't remember a time where he wronged someone or played dirty.

David has always been a standup guy. Always nice, always went with the flow, always a people pleaser. What the hell did he do to deserve this. Who did he piss off to end up getting this kind of outcome. At the moment all David wanted was answers.

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