That answer didn't satisfy her.

"You can call me with the mirror if you have any problems, " Ye Hua added, "I'll come to help you, "

Bai Qian perked up, "Really? Anytime?"

Ye Hua nodded, "Within reasons, "

Bai Qian's smile was bright. She hugged him in gratitude. "You're the best, Ye Hua, "

Ye Hua just stood there and let her be. He was as stunned as a deer at the end of an arrow.

What just happened?

Ye Hua made it back to his palace in the Nine Heavens. He crashed into his bed immediately. He couldn't believe that he got roped into this. Ye Hua was supposed to let Zhe Yan handle her cultivation, not him.

She really did learn from the best.

Ye Hua pulled out the mirror from his coat. The reflection stared back down at him. He half expected it to change into Bai Qian's face or have her voice emitting out of it.

It had been an hour, and the mirror remained silent. Hold it. Was Ye Hua expecting her to call him?

Ye Hua stuffed the mirror under his pillow. Why was he thinking Bai Qian was going to call him soon anyway?

The next morning, Ye Hua struggled to stay awake. The boring audience with the Heavenly Lord didn't help. Even with strong tea, he struggled to pay attention to what His Majesty was saying.

Occasionally, Ye Hua would brush his finger across the mirror, expecting Bai Qian to call him in the middle of the meeting. So far, nothing.

Gosh, that woman is driving him crazy. He shouldn't have given her the mirror.

"Ye Hua, " the Heavenly Lord called out, "Ye Hua, "

Ye Hua jarred his attention back to the Heavenly Lord. He bowed and quickly answered his question.

"You seemed distracted lately," His Majesty commented, "Is there something wrong, Ye Hua?"

"I'm just worrying myself over worldly matters, "

The Heavenly Lord nodded as if the answer satisfied him.

"For example, Qing Qiu. It has been thousands of years since the fall of their royal family, and all the smaller clans are squabbling for power. Their people are living in harsh conditions. Shouldn't we do a better job in stabilising the situation there?" Ye Hua asked.

The Heavenly Lord heard his plea. "We had asked High God Zhe Yan to step up and take over, but he stubbornly refused to. He preferred to hide away in his peach forest. He said Qing Qiu only accepts a nine-tailed fox as their ruler, "

Ye Hua sighed, "Obviously, Da Ji is out of the question, "

The Heavenly Lord nodded.

"That would only leave Bai Qian, " Ye Hua suggested.

"No, that one is corrupted by the vixen," His Majesty said, "She could never be a good ruler. "

They were back at square one.

"You should give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she has changed, "

"Change is never easy, "

"But it is achievable, "

The heavenly lord raised his eyebrow, "Why are you speaking for her? Have you been in contact with her?"

Ye Hua swallowed, "No, your Majesty, "

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