Chapter 9 - Games Begun

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"Meg!" you screamed, trying to reach her but stopped. One glance at The Doctor made you halt in place. Getting to her meaning getting closer to him, and his rod...

You looked at him, anger plastered on your face "What do you want?! Let her go!" you slammed at him.

He laughed at the sight of you getting so turned up. He suddenly looked at you intensely as he spoke.
"I've been watching you (Y\N). I have noticed how you are so devoted for the people around you. It's touching really. Especially if they share your situation, almost a hero's calling, such an antagonist. Even alone you don't mind giving up your own life, But for others... Let's test that, shall we?" he said as his grin grew wider and wider.

He then suddenly raised his arms.

clenching his fists, the sound of electricity and voltage charging, (Y\N) took a few steps back, looking at The Doctor, when suddenly pain went through your body, screaming from the top of your lungs and almost falling to the floor, you heard Meg screaming too.

when you looked up then you saw it. The Doctor sleeves are completely burned and gone, showing his big arms you saw tubes and cables emerging from his skin. The sickening sight of burned hands, almost black, fading to sickish purple, sparks surrounding his arms and his eyes got a little more pale blue.

The Doctor shocked you, without any tool in sight. The cables going in and out from his arms buzzed loudly, this image hit you hard, you stumbled back in shock.

He laughed harder than anytime before. His voice was odd, like even his voice had electricity in it. He laughed so hard you thought to shut your ears from the capacity.

"Ah yes" said the doctor with his new odd voice after he calmed down "Like my new modifications?" He said with a grin.
"You're sick! Who would do this to themselves?!" you shouted back at him.

"The one who cracked the secret of harnessing power, my dear.." he said with a mean smile of teeth.
He started walk towards you. One hand holding his rod down, the other held up low in a fist. The sound of charging electricity heard again, he released his fist and with that came a shockwave of pain and sting, (Y\N) screamed painfully and dropped to the floor with one knee hitting the concrete surface.

your face fell down while trying to catch your breathe, few seconds go by when you saw shoes stop in front of you, The Doctor is standing 5 inches away from your crouching form, he thud the floor with his rod and you shook from the sparks coming out of it.

"Get up" he said as he stood close enough to kick your head with a swipe of his leg.

No response. You were still leaning on your knee for support, and you just didn't want to answer this basterd.

Few seconds of silence made you itch when out of nowhere, Herman grabs your hair up, pulling it and you saw his face clearly up close for the first time, paler eyes, purplish fades mix with his dark skin, he was still smiling...

The Doctor threw you from your hairs to a corner in the big operation room, next to Meg that fought her chains when she saw you rolling next to her table. Your head hurts and you were dizzy from rolling on the floor.

"Now...." said The Doctor "I told you (Y\N), we're playing a game. And if you will not participate properly your teammate will loose... You don't want her to loose, do you now..?" he asked while smirking, standing opposite of you.

You looked at Meg for a second, furthermore her muffled sounds and terror, her wrists started bleeding from the shocks and stress, her arms still trying to pull the steel chains.
You turned down....You knew if this will continue she'll lose blood and her muscles would give.

You got up, you crossed glares with Meg for second, you'd play his game for all this to be over as soon as it can. Meg on the other hand had the most worried look, her screams sounds like muffled "No, Don't!" and she tried to wiggle out.

you faced The Doctor now, his head tilted to the side, inspecting you and your moves, your look to Meg, he noticed your decision to face him and play along, and oh he smiled, more sparks flew from his burned arms as he narrowed his eyes at you.

"Fine.... I'll play along. But leave her out of this!" (Y\N) demanded.
The Doctor raised his arm and sent shockwave to your direction, you fell down as the momentarily pain washed over you. The Doctor approached you with the rod in his hand.

"oh yes....We're going to have some fun"...

Shock Me, I Dare You.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin