Chapter 5 - First Treatment

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Just the two of you alone now in the big luxurious office. The picture of you on your knees with hands tied to your back and the doctor big figure looming over you made you huff lightly. You didn't like this powerless posture. You notice he stares a lot, 'like seriously what's up with this guy?' you questioned in yourself as you looked back at him, your eyes glistening with inner fire and your senses sharp, you never broke eye contact with him.

"Want to take a picture? It'll last longer. I can also sign it for you on the way" you spat when you started to feel his gaze was lingering as ever. He crooked an eyebrow at you and smiled, like he wanted you to say just exactly that.
"My my, what a mouthful. You aren't a shy one, are you?" He said playfully and walked towards his great oak desk behind you, passing you as he reached the table, buzzing a button on a communication machine, signaling someone to come over his office.

"Not at all pal. Why won't you untie me and I'll just show you how gutsy I really am?" You replied cynically with anger in your voice. You wanted to punch his smugly stupid face with the brass knuckles you had early on.

"You would just love that, wouldn't you?" He smirked and walked back to you. You could hear his steps hault, you felt him standing behind you.
"You can just forget about anything outside these walls (L\N). From now on you are the possession of the country and specifically mine." he said and walked to stand in front of you now, looking down at you.

Excuse you? His possession? Wait is he trying to rile you up? Cause it's working and your blood is already pre-boiled from these fuckers kidnapping you, dragging you and 3 other strangers to this planet Mars facility calling you subjects and possession? You didn't roll like that, not for anyone or anything. And this is when you let it all out.

"Look here you OJ vibe motherfucker. I ain't no one possession and whatever plan you have going on ain't gonna work so you might as well just go kill yourse-" you didn't finish the sentence. Your face met a fist and your head threw to the side. The doctor punched you straight in your face so quickly you didn't see it coming.
The pain was bursting from your right side at once until you took a few seconds to gather what just happened.

You stumbled on your knees for balance as the doctor put his hands behind his back calmly
looking down at you "This is more of a free method I don't mind using. But I can assure you-"
he leaned closer to your bent face that fell from the stinging hit, he lifted your chin up to look at you, smiling as he spotted a black eye forming on your right side from his own doings.

"I have more toys down my sleeve that are reserved for whoever gets a warning from me. And I am very, very short tempered" he narrowed his eyes at you and chuckled, glancing at your eye again as he let your face go. You snarled and threw your chin from his grasp angrily like his touch burns. The stinging hit from the doctor's fist didn't help.

You left your head down as a knock heard from his office door as he invited them in. Two guards emerged to the office, "Take (L\N) to the theatre room, tell Amelia and Jeffery to prepare the tools and with this one..." He paused, you looked up at him, right eye half closed and throbbing, he pierced his eyes in yours "prepare the chair.." He finished , smiling down at you, sinister expression on his face.

You didn't know what 'The Chair' means but if he thinks he scares you he's wrong. It's like all your fear translated into anger, as the two guards came to lift you up you spat on his shoe, he immediately held your face with one hand, squeezing it firmly
"Warning number one" he said smiling in a calm voice, that to be honest creeped you a little more than anything he done yet. The guards dragged you out of his office to a big beige tile hallway.

You heard fainted cried far away echoing ever so slightly down the vast hallways and the footsteps of someone following you from behind, it was probably the doctor. You glanced to your right and notice a door that written "storeroom" on it. 'The emergency phone might be there' you thought as you passed the door and reached two broad hospital doors, on the side of the doors was written 'Theatre Room'.

You looked around the vast room, the white fluorescent reflects on the white tile floor, somehow this theatre room felt gloomy and dark even with all the light shed. Above you hanged a few turned off big TV screens, gathered right above the middle section of the room.

As you felt your hands being untied you shot quickly behind you, landing a kick that threw one of the guards back only to be given a punch to the stomach that bent you over with pain as the guards quickly grabbed you and set you down in a weird looking chair, strapping your wrists and ankles firmly as you tried to break free from their grasp unsuccessfully.

Herman looked amused as he slowly walked in the room, his steps echoing "Tsk tsk tsk, what will we just do with you (L\N).." commenting on that little show you just pulled off. Herman signaled the guards to leave as you snarled at them and walked to the front of the chair you were strapped in.

"This can really go the easy way (L\N), I need answers and I suggest you deliver. Now, let's talk about stealing all these money from these companies, did you have any accomplices?" He asked.
"Nope" you said straight forward, he's not getting shit from you.
He looked at you, like he can smell your lie.

one of the doctors walked up to him and gave him a clipboard with papers and notes in it, she then informed Herman regarding the file "27 scars registered on the body, few of them are quite massive.. Especially in the back area" He looked at the file, Amelia still on his side.

You were taken back for a second there by the small share of information they already knew about you but it hasn't surprised you. They worked for the CIA.
Herman smiled down at you
"I see the Slums treated you with care, or was it the lovely foster homes you stayed in?" eyeing you closely for reaction, he wanted to see if their information alone on you was enough for you to stress out. You had to admit you were a little thrown back.

It took everything in your power to not flinch an eye when he mentioned your 'not-so-easy' past. You kept mystery as an ally all your life and he just comes up, teasing you as he exposed you, you had to play the game.
You quickly regained your confidence, shooting a comeback "You mean surviving in the kitchen. Yeah I'm not great at cooking" you shrugged and said bluntly. Like you actually got this scars on your body from a frying pan.

You could see Amelia eyeing Jeffery, their mouth twitch at your sassy comment. Herman did notice that. He shot his glare at them and they quickly regain a serious composure. They arranged the materials and started attaching you with electrodes on your head and parts of your body you tried to fight back, restraints holding you at bay.

Herman looked at them after they finished "Leave" he ordered, they nodded and left. You looked at their backs disappearing behind the metal door and you kind-of wished they'd stayed. Being alone with this guy was starting to be the last thing on your list.

He watched them leave and then shifted his eyes to you, a moment of silenced passed between you until he spoke again "Shock treatment... First originated in the 1930's, a counterintuitive way of treating illness. But many medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, require us to undergo terrible physical experiences for therapeutic purposes, yet they still banned ECT..." He said as if informing you as he walked to a panel, fiddling with the switches.

You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at his hefty back messing with stuff on the panel. Where is he going with this....? You questioned with the electrodes on you, like not believing this is going to happen when it really does.
"Yes." you said with cautious... "It was declared inhuman to performed such treatments on patients.." (Y\N) said, you knew about what happened in the 50's when they started using ECT on unruly mental patients to keep them under control. And also, who didn't see "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" that was enough to recoil, thank you very much.

He gave you a quick glance turning his head a little and then looking back at the panel. You could feel his smile getting bigger.
"Yes... Indeed that's what happened. To only imagine if we still conduct those today, what lengths would we reach? Such lost potential, don't you think?"..
You stared at him for a moment, a little baffled "You're utterly insane" you said outraged.

Suddenly a shock went through your body, you jolted in agonizing pain. it felt like hot knives piercing your body at once, your shoulders shook and your head was throbbing. The shock stopped at once.
You were left panting on the chair, body a little slumped against it. What the fuck was that?!

You glances at the doctor. he was turned to you and his hands rested on a small lever on the panel. His laugh echoed the theatre room "This is on warning number one" and he pulled the lever again, shocking you one more time.
You never felt such horrible sensation, body aching you just wanted this to stop. He seized the shock leaving you to pant for air.

"Who are your accomplices (Y\N)?" he asked again
"Go. Fuck. Yourse-" You were cut out abruptly by another quick shock.
"This can go as long as I wish for (Y\N), do keep it close in mind" he said dangerously, he smiled knowing his other subjects would be pleading to leave the chair by now.

You looked back, your eyes shining bright with anger and ambition

"I got all day mister Carter, shock me, I dare you."
He looked seriously for that moment.
"Very well then"

Your screams were heard coming from the massive doors of the theatre room, lingering on the vast hallways, the sick game just started and you were pawn number one.

Shock Me, I Dare You.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat