Chapter 1 - The Doctor

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In a great government facility hidden in a remote location, set in his office on his armchair Doctor Herman Carter.

His large built figure leaning towards an impressive oak table, he wore his lab coat, hiding a purple buttoned shirt with black sleeves and a black tie that complimented his black skin. The reflection of his bald head and stern face hits the surface of the shimmering wood.

His golden designed pen made whirring noises signing forms and checking lab tests in a cold, cloudless night.

Suddenly, a small, fainted growl came from the side of his left bookshelf in his office, his eyes kept narrow from the papers to his left with a small sinister grin.

'Finally awake, I see...'

Herman got up from his chair and approached his bookshelves adn stood infront of a statue of a head, he pushed the head forward, parting from it's neck. He reached for a key in his inner right pocket and twisted the key in a complex built-in lock, the bookshelves began shifting, parted in the middle and began sliding on each side, revealing a metal door.

As the light from Carter's office emerged through the room revealed in the middle what looks like a  reletevely young man strapped to a chair, arms and legs and chest, bandages wrapped around his mouth, gagging his ability to speak, his face beaten and sweaty and he looked like he just woke up from a restless sleep.

Only with a hospital gown, he sweated uneasy in his chair, struggling with the brown leather and metal straps.

There were no windows, only 3 tables each standing on each sides of the room.

One at the back, full with electric components, couple of small screens and a head-set with leather straps with a few small pads and wires attached to it.

The table from the right was neatly arranged with small liquid bottles, and medical tools such as scalpels, scissors and syringes.

To the table on the left was a stand to what looked like an electric rod with a grip and spikes on it's metallic end that had a menacing electric buzzing noises coming out of it.

Sparks pop from the rod as if it's over charged.

Herman approached the man with his arms at his back as the doors closed behind him.

The man stopped his struggling for a moment as he felt the Doctor presence, merely a few steps from him, as sweat formed even more on his panicked expression, making his brown hair stick to the surface of his brow.

The man, at the sight of the Doctor froze and then jolted even harder in his seat, started to form burns from the straps attached to his wrists from all the panic and yanking as he watched his tormentor approach him.

"Shh now..." said the Doctor as he halted in front of his subject chair

The man froze and closed his eyes hard, anticipating pain with the Doctor's arrival.

Here he is again, so close to him, after all that he's done to him..

"Took you a while to wake up from our last session" the Doctor chuckled and smiled a sinister, dark smile at the sight of the man's reaction and muffled sounds of panic under the bandages over his mouth.

He then walked behind the man's chair and leaned, really close to the man's ear, "Hope you're ready for tonight" he said in a low, dark voice. The man's body flooded with fear and terror, his eyes widened, chest started to raise up and down violently. He knew what this mean.

"Because we're going to have a little extra fun than yesterday" finished the Doctor with a chuckle that grew harder and wilder, his face completely changed from the calm, calculated expression he had earlier. His face looked even, mad to a point.

After the Doctor laugh died he was left with a grin then stepped further to the back of the room, away from the man sight.

He grabbed the head-set and a bottle of liquid jell, making ruffled noises that made the man scream within his bandages, trying to break free from his torture chair unsuccessfully.

The Doctor then stepped in front of the man, lowering himself to his eye level, and stared for a second, as if taking in the beginning of his sacred ritual.

The man looked back, terrified with the Doctor's gaze. A moment of silence went through them, the only thing heard was the man's breathing, staring into the Doctor's eyes. It felt like forever when the moment broke as the Doctor proceeded to apply the liquid jell onto his palms and raised them closer to each side of the poor man's face.

In return the young man shut his eyes and tried to avoid touch as much as his restraints would let him, which wasn't nearly enough.

"Easy now..." said the Doctor with a calm voice mixed with amusement as he moved his fingers in a circular movement onto the man's temples, thorough applying the liquid professionally.

After finishing with the lubricant he then pulled the head-set in sight, and the young man started screaming hysterically from his throat, tears formed on his face and down his cheeks, his bandages soaking the streams.

He shook his head in a 'no' movement as he looked to the Doctor with pleading, tired eyes.

Suddenly the Doctor grabbed the man's face aggressively and squishing it a little. He let his calm façade down, his animal like expressions from the excitement of his treatment and movements made him look psychotic, his "Graduated with honor" certificates would look fake if anyone would to see him like this right now.

"We don't want the stick now... Do we?"

said the Doctor in his dangerous low voice.

And without any interruptions he adjusted the head set on the man's head as he attached the pads on his jelled temples. He then moved the wet hair from the man's brow and held his chin up, to have a better look at his work. How he enjoyed their terror.

"This will hurt"... The Doctor said and chuckled, then stepped to the electricity panel on the back table. The man started to jolt again in his seat, pleading muffled sounds coming out of his bandages.

"Ready...? One... Two.."

and without further warning, he pulled the lever down, electrifying the man at once, sending electric jolts through the cable attached to the power supplier.

The man shook violently, electric buzzes flying from his head-set, his eyes rolled back as he screamed from the top of his throat a painful scream.

Head tilted back, foam wetting the bandages and bubbling fromm the cracks. muffled mumbles of nonsense heard from him, lost mind in a wounded body. Another one failed.

"They never survive the first couple of treatments... The results are astonishing but it's not nearly sufficient" he thought as he looked at the mumbling body. he needed to try again, and he will. No matter one has failed, every lab rat has to do it's purpose. Of course mice are not people, even if to him they acted sometimes nearly the same. Stuck in the reputative circle of eating, reproducing and sleep. How he loathed their simple minds, never pushing greater then they should..

He'll make it work. As many lab rats as needed.

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