Chapter 7 - The Nightmare

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You were running in your dream.
You tried getting away from something behind you in a big dark corridor with no doors.
As you heard a menacing laugh behind you and your feet were tingling. You looked down and saw electricity sparks flows under you. Heart in your throat, your feet ran as fast as they could.

You dared to look behind you when you caught a glimpse of your chaser.
He was tall, black skinned but his hands were burnt from over electricity flowing in his body. His lab coat drenched with blood but the most horrible thing was his face.
his eyes pried open with a horrible device, he is ever smiling with 4 hooks keeping it open as the device sits on his head. His laugh was horrible and different. Like even his voice had electricity in it.

you saw in your dream the spiky bloody rod he held when chasing you at the long vast corridor. It looked like the one that was in the room when David brought to the Theatre Room... Wait a minute... Your heart raced from ever before, you ran so hard and the corridor just kept and kept, you felt his breathing on your neck.

"Hey kid!" another voice was heard, echoing in your dream.

"Hey kid wake up! Kid!" the ground started to shake beneath you, this doctor's laugh screaming in your ear.

"Eeey kid! Wake up!"

And as you felt a hit about to meet your back you shot your eyes open.

You looked around dazed, you were still in your cell, one florescent light hanged above you reminding you where you are and your memory coming back to you reminding what you've been through. Body still sore from your little session with Carter.
How much time has passed?

you laid back on the bed when you heard the voice again.

"You ok kid?" asked a voice outside your cell. You didn't knew who It belonged to and you started getting trust issues from everything and everyone from this facility.
You rose up slowly, looking at the small bars for the eyes on your cell door, figuring where the voice came from.

"Kid? You alive?" asked the coarse voice, it sounded like it belonged to a mature man.

"I'm.... Fine. Sore but fine..." you replied cautiously, still trying to figure out who you talking to.
"Say, what is this place?" you asked through the metal bars of the door.

He took while but he eventually responded
"It's a black site facility kid... dreadful place ran by bad men in suits...." his voice paused for a moment.
"He gave you shock treatment, didn't he?"

Your eyes shot open. Your grip on the metal bars tightened as you recalled the horrible pain this man put you through.

"Yes.. Yes he did" You said more quietly.

"That asshole" suddenly said a feminine voice echoing from another direction from the cell wing

"Kid, you ok? I'm so sorry about earlier... I didn't anticipate he would... I didn't think.."

You knew who she was, it was the girl they caught in the office on her knees next to you when she tried to save the old man with the shot to the shoulder.
it was hard for her to finish the sentence, she sounded like she's grieving on her action to save the man from bleeding and accidentally getting you into shock treatment.

"it's ok.. You done what you thought was right. Nobody could have expect this to happen it's not your fault. And I'm fine, really...

"I'm (Y/N) by the way..."

"Hey....Meg.. " she introduced herself too

"Bill" said the coarse voice.
After what seemed like a long few seconds where you all sank a little deeper in this harsh reality you're all in as everybody introducing themselves through cells and metal bars, only with their voice and unseen "What a weird situation to get familiar with each other." you thought to yourself grabbing the metal bars of the door window.
You continued to ask him about that moment back in the office.

"Earlier.. in his office.. You gave him a look. A look like you know him" you said, chest bumping a little. If there's any chance he knows him he might know how to beat him.

"I never met him. But I heard about him. And this facility...
The black site facility and it's Doctor... This place is for dealing with country traitors and spies, and for anyone who cross them wrong basically... And couple of years ago they found the perfect guy for their dirty work." Said Bill.

there's a few second gone by before you continued asking.

"Who is he?" you asked eager inside of you too know your tormentor.

"Herman Carter is his name if I'm not mistaken. Was a star student from what I heard. The CIA had a front in Yale's and spotted him. After he burned his classmate with shock treatment they thought it was a good opprotunity to get an interogator on their team. from what I've hears he's more of an executor. Even I've heard of it.."

"....How do you know all this?" you asked a little suspicious. How Did he know all this really?

You could hear Bill chuckle and sigh "My area of field let's me see worldwide abominatios. We try to intervene as much as we can... Trying to put obstacles at organizations such as this.. Those white collar bastards always has been this planet demise."

He said and coughed a little. You could hear just from his tone he's been through a lot. An image of a past, lone soldier came to mind when you listened to him. You couldn't not feel some sort of respect towards Bill.

"But I have to say..." said Bill suddenly
"this four of us here... all of the sudden, with non of our crews as well. It does feel like it is not random..."

"It feels like we were picked. Have you heard what he said about this 'Project Awakening?' I've been thinking about it since we got here... "
Finished Meg in serious manner.

"Yes....It does... It seems like we've been plunked for someone rather on something" said Bill more quietly.

Suddenly the far away sound of keys and scrambling was heard from the end of the cells hallway, the doors unlocked and burst open, you could hear someone being dragged and someone heels echoing behind them. The Doctor...

A cell next to yours unlocked and opened and you heard the thud David made when the guards threw him on the thin bed in his cell.

You could see Meg look through the bars of your door when you heard Herman continue "Get subject #365 to the preparation room."

Meg eyes widened in fear, she was next and your heart flipped when you heard them messing with the keys to her cell.
You could hear Meg plead and struggle for them to let her go.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER YOU PSYCHO! LEAVE HER ALONE!!" You screamed through the bars on the door.
Meg cell opened and they took her away by force while all you could hear is her struggling and kicking getting further and further away.

And suddenly YOUR door opened, you backed up to the wall opposite from the door. Then came in the one himself Doctor Herman Carter. Menacing smile on his face as he held a smirk, standing tall almost taking the whole frame of the door.

"Ah, Mr\Ms (Y\N)... Already up and alive after our treatment, aren't we?" he said as he took a few steps in your cell. Your back touched the wall, it was just you and him and your sorry cell, and your mind raced with whatever he was capable of. Nevertheless you never looked aside.

"We enjoyed it plenty, haven't we? And my, what a resilient little monkey you are-"

"Screw you and your "treatments" you asshole. You'll never get anything from me, you're not scaring me!" you yelled at him and tried to sound as confident as you could be right now.

"Is that so..." he squinted his eyes as he quirked an eyebrow at you. He took a few more steps towards you as his heels echoed in the concrete cell. He reached the point that he could lift an arm and grab you right then and there.
He leaned forward and you felt like a bug in is palm.

"I guess it wasn't enough then. we'll just have to try harder, won't we?" he said as his eyes widened with madness at you. Suddenly the image of him and the horrible doctor with the face device from your dream crossed. You saw the same person and it threw you off. You looked shocked.

The doctor rose up again as he looked at your shocked face he smiled a mean smile. He then risen his voice so the guard outside your cell could hear and he never moved his eyes from you
"Take subject #293 to the stand-by cell, cancel Overbeck operation for today." and then he leaned again way too close to you "We're going to have a little fun you and I" as he took his hand and slid it from your cheek to your chin as you just stood there, frozen.

You huffed from your nose as you stood there angry and anxious. You hated his touch and he knew it. He walked to the door and before he got out he shot you a look behind his shoulder "Scream for me" as he walked out and your door locked.

Your back slide and your butt hit the floor. You leaned against the wall still looking at your door. You hated him so much. And your weird dream... Same face, the madness...
You are literally in your nightmare.

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