Chapter 11 - Mind Free

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Silence roamed in the oaky office at the end of the dark hall.

The only thing interfering with the tensed silence was a low hum of Doctor Herman Carter, his hands crossed leaning against the oak table as his chin was resting on them.

His eyes scanning the screen standing in front of him as he hummed to himself.

A smirked escaped his lips as the figure on the screen flipped from their bed and hit their head on the floor.

Carter kept the mean apathetic grin on his face as he scribbled on his notes.

"Perfect" he said in his thoughts "I guess my experiment worked after all.." he finished his writing and inserted the noted into a brown file and laid it in the lower drawer along with other brown file cases holding his precious horrible notes, marks and researches.

He then lift up his sleeve to check his latest creation, his arms still charcoal black and the tubes wrapped around them made sparkling bursts as he clenched his hand to a fist, channeling power through it.

A smile grazed his face as he looked down on his arms "this power..." his eyes narrowed "I'm closer than ever before..." he thought to himself and couldn't but not feel excitement building inside him. He took a deep breathe releasing the tension, he didn't want his new powers to ruin his notes that's for sure.

He retuned to the screen in the same position, eyes resting on the screen, and a mean smile on his face.

~Meanwhile in Y\N cell.

Y\N set crossed legged on the floor, focusing their breathing into meditation state. It's still the heart beat that interferes with relaxing, the booming sounds ring Y\N ears and if feels Y\N gotta re-relax themselves all over again.

Suddenly a shadow casted over their head, Y\N eyes shot open only to find the Doctor looming over Y\L with his rod in his hand.

Y\N got up and faced in front of him. He kept his mean smile and his laughter could be heard through the corridors it seemed.

But he didn't move a muscle.

Y\N looked at him with angry face, held their ground and didn't come close to him still.

A spark buzzed and flew between them and landed on the ground, Y\N watched it then lifted their gaze up, only to find the doctor not there anymore.

A growl escaped Y\N lips as they spit to the side angry. Damm that basterd, this is a dirty trick, a blow under the belt. "trying to mess with me, aren't ya?" Y\N thought side glancing at the camera.

Y\N went back to sitting on the corner of their cell, and knew exactly what H\S needed to do. With one last glare shot to the corner camera in their cell, Y\N knew exactly that the real doctor is sitting and watching them. A small smile crept into Y\N face before closing their eyes and resting.

~15 hours later~

Food came and went, guards checking up on Y\N and leaving, yet Y\N still kept the same spot and sat there. Eyes closed, mind focused, Y\N knew Carter must have rewired her brain to see this hallucinations. So Y\N decided to re-rewire their brain back.

Y\N opened their eyes briefly.. "He wont win. He can't win. He'll see how miserable his plans will fail. Even if it takes my life away"

Another menacing laugh filled the room, Y\N got up and looked only to find another doctor hallucinations. This one was creepier than the rest. With the doctor looked burned from his own creations and the face gear is on him.

"it's probably manifesting on my fears" Y\N thought.

"But it's show time".

The Doctor mirage was standing there watching Y\N laughter and giggles came from it, like it was teasing them.

Y\N started marching to the Doctor hallucinations until they were few centimeters apart.

He looked down on them, rod in hand and a crazy wide smile on his face.

Then Y\N just passed through him, walked with eyes closed all the way to the other side of the cell.

They marched through his body, just entered and left him. By the time Y\N was on the other side the hallucinations disappeared, leaving no marks of ever being there.

A tired smile spreaded on Y\N face, "I did it....." Y\N looked at the top corner straight to camera and thumbed up to it.

Shock Me, I Dare You.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora