Chapter 6 - No Limits

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He shocked you, over and over again. You body stung with the electricity coursing through it. The last shock left you slopped on the chair, your head fell forward.
Carter stood next to the panel, facing you with one hand on the lever, He watched your miserable form on the chair and chuckled "It is astonishing how you can keep up, I'll admit. Others would already beg me to stop" he said sounding impressed.

You lifted your head the slightest and looked at him through your bangs falling on your face, you huffed the hair away from your eyes and snarled, still panting for air "I'm... Not ... Others... Suck .. On your.. Thumb, buddy." you huffed the words out, anger plastered on your face and the black eye decorating your right side. He will not get the satisfaction from you. You've met too many horrible individuals to learn that. And even if Doctor Herman Carter is earning the biggest title for 'assholes-of-your-life' he's still ain't getting that satisfaction

Herman looked at you with the same quiet madness in his eyes. By far you've been the best test subject he ever had. Your mind just refused to give up and it riled him up inside.
"Tell me (Y\N), was it all worth your while? We can end this right now.. I just need a little of cooperation by your side and that's it, no more pain" he purred, he wanted to see you begging him. Show you how easy for it to all stop, to just give in.

You kept fixated on him, your wrist still strapped to the chair but you managed to flip a finger at him "cooperate this, you piece of shi-" you screamed as he pulled the lever again, body jolting, teeth are grinding you swore you started to smell smoke.

He pulled the lever down and your head fell forward again, fighting the urge to faint you barely kept your eyes open and your mind still awake. It's been a few moments of your panting until you realized it was too quiet and he hadn't been pushing the lever for a few suspicious minutes.
You dared looking up only to find him away from the control panel and uncomfortably close to you.

His eyes watched you on the chair regaining yourself as he started to smirk which turn to a full laugh, he then sent one hand to grab your jaw to look up at him, "Fascinating how your disagreement with authority has nested in you... How life circumstances made you resilient, when the mightiest oak broke under my wind, you, Willow, bent and adjusted." Your face smooshed together from his tight grasp on your face, you shut your eyes tight.

"LOOK AT ME" he shouted angry as his grip tightened on you. You barely opened your eyes when suddenly one of the doors bursts open and a guard came running.
"Doctor Carter, sir! Subject #198 is making trouble and has injured a guard when we tried taking him-"
"Where is he?" the doctor cut him up.
"In the preparation room" answered the guard
"Go, I'll come shortly" said doctor carter in a low voice.

As the door closed he lowered himself closer to your face "See here?" he moved your face to motioned it to the big doors of the Theatre room.
"Not only that the doors are locked but there are armed men in this wing waiting to shoot on sight at anything out of order." he paused tightening his grip again. bruising it a little.
"So no monkey business when I'm away." he finished with a mean smile.

He walked out of the Theatre room and locked the doors shut, leaving you alone with your pain and thoughts. It's the first time you've been alone since you got here, and your mind racing from the shock therapy, the events and this Doctor Carter guy. You gathered your thoughts for a moment as you looked around you. Wait a minute...

The Storage room! Right! You've seen the door! The emergency phone is probably there, If you could reach it you could signal your crew about your whereabouts.
You couldn't use it before but now. Since you're in this unknown location, you can activate the location search and signal your friends. It was worth the shot. "Ok..." you decided in your head. "We have a plan" you enclosed. From all the pain and suffering and the unlucky events that happened so far, this made the whole thing tiny itty bitty more endurable. It was barely hope, but it was hope.

Your thoughts got interrupted as two guards that dragged David in, He looked bruised and beaten, and as they laid him down on a medical table you widened your eyes at a horrible gash on his back.

The Doctor entered the room after a moment with something held in his hand.
It was a metal rod with spikes and it looked like it held electricity, a lot of it. You eyed the thing and then him. You saw fresh blood on it and tension built in your chest as that thing made buzzing sounds. Your mind started racing as you wondered if that thing helped quieten David...

"Take them to their cell and call Amelia and Jeffery back here" he commanded and the two guards started unleashing you from the straps of the chair. The Doctor abruptly cut them "No. Leave it to me" as he pushed them away, untying you himself. As he finished he gave you a quick look and moved for the guards to take you.
As they lifted you up you managed to see The Doctor starting preparations on David on the metal table. This guy just doesn't rest.

they dragged you to the cell wing as you leaned for support. One guard opened the cell door and the other threw you on the sad bed that was in your cell. As your body hit the thin mattress you ached quietly, grunts escaped your mouth. You could hear one of the guards laughing "It seems like The Doctor has a new favorite. Wouldn't wanna be them..." you heard them chuckling as they closed the door to your cell. You eyed the ceiling as your eyes started closing. Exhausted. Tortured.

People need to know about the monstrosities occurring here. And you needed to get out of there as soon as possible.
You promised yourself when you finally let go
and mind drifted asleep.

\\\\\credits on a quote - "The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived."― Robert Jordan, 

Shock Me, I Dare You.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon