Chapter 12 - Hope or Despair?

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You looked around your cell to see if there's no more hallucinations crawling at the edges of your eyes. There weren't any.

Y\N sat on the so-called bed in the corner and starred at their hands. "He's gonna be pissed..." you thought to yourself and couldn't hold but smirk just a little.

But to be honest, you knew it.
You knew that as much as you keep up with his tests the harder they get.
It was a bittersweet chuckle but nevertheless bitter.

You just wondered for how long you could keep this up. By now Carter has seen your little trick and let's not mention the 'Thumbs-up' you gave when you did. Oh jeez...

You began to wonder about Bill, and Meg... about your emergency phone you never manage to get.

You didn't think about your captured buddies for days now, figures as big ol' Doc made you occupied all this time.

Only sometimes have you heard the growls of David or the resisting of Bill and Meg outside of your cell.

They would kick or bang the door when they passed your cell like a check-up protocol.
It was a weird coincidence when 5 minutes after you sat there waiting for your unavoidable doom, thinking about it is when you heard rattles outside your cell.

As you walked closer to the small barred window of the cell you manage to hear Bill being pushed by guards to what probably sounds like another test session.

When they were about to pass your door Bill started a ruckus, kicking and yelling.

You heard a "what's with him?" from a guard as Bill dropped on the floor yelling "The Flood is over! Soon we go home!" as he kept kicking and rumbling outside of your cell.

One of the guards shoved the rifle in his stomach as he cursed Bill for a kick to the face "Crazy old man. Fucking Carter fucked you up good, huh?" as you heard them dragging his limp body further down the corridor.

The flood is over? Home?... What was Bill talking about? Y\N started to get worried. What have they done to him?! "fuckers" you spat angrily and punched the steel door.

Y\N walked around the cell anxiously. What was that? What are they doing to him? A flood?...

"Wait a minute." Y\N thought, head lifted up in realization. "the Flood... Home.. Did he manage to make contact?" Y\N's head was beating.  Does that mean someone outside of this place know your whereabouts and is coming for you guys out of here?

You didn't even hear the door turn and open as you turned around in surprise to see The Doctor standing in front of you.

Yes, the real Doctor. Not another hallucination.

It's been 2 weeks in this hell cell with The Doctor's horrible hallucinations and yet still his real presence was much more unnerving than any mind tricks forged.

It was that deadly silence that took everything up a notch. The silence between you two that built the danger of the atrocious deeds peak.

"Y\N..." he said in a low voice. He was not smiling.

"Carter..." you firmly replied ,"it's nice you came to visit already. Here I am thinking I would never see the real you again.." Y\N said, quite bravely even.

The Doctor just starred down at you as he started pacing to you slowly, his heels echo in the room.

"Oh dear oh dear" he said dangerously low and amused "you're just a stubborn little pesk, aren't you?"

He kept the distance between you two smaller and smaller "I'm beginning to think your job in this life is to make me work harder" he stopped in front of you while you felt the wall touching your back.

You took a long second to look up and as you did The Doctor then suddenly grabbed you by the hair dragging your back up the wall.

Y\N  let a painful scream, trying to re-gather quickly, you snared with half open eye at him "A-angry I ruined y-your plans there, Doc?" Y\N asked sarcastically through gritted teeth. Being held by the hair alone was immensely painful.

"Why yes, I am" said The Doctor, electric shock went through the hand that held you by the hair, sending shocks as he never shifted from his unnerving calm persona. You could feel the anger in his posture.

You screamed in pain as your hands shot up to hold the arm that held you. Keeping half open eyes focused at the monster in front of you.

"but no matter, no matter" said the Doctor, charging up electricity in his other free hand as his face got closer to yours "It's all going to change very soon".

And with a flash, a glowing fist met your face and you met darkness. 

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