Chapter 15

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Annie's POV
It has been a month now and I'm still getting the texts and notes in my locker. I've pushed everyone I love out of my life. I cry myself to sleep. I go to school. My grades have dropped. I'm not as excited for cheer practice anymore.

I walk onto the field and ignore everyone. My phone buzzes and my heart stops. I read it as the tears sting my eyes. "Hey whore. So I heard people saying that it should have been you in the house instead of your mam and sister. Poor Leblanc is all alone now"

I take a deep breathe holding back the tears. I put my phone on the bleachers as we start to practice. The person is right though it should have been me.

With Hayden
I look over at Annie. SoMerging is happening with her and I'm going to find out what it is. I walk over to the bleachers and take Annie's phone as I walk into the bathroom. She has a text open.

Who is this? I read through the texts. This has been going on for a while. I feel anger fill up in me. I walk back out.

With Annie
As I get into fly position I watch Hayden walk back out. He looks at me. Our eyes lock. I sigh. Practice finished and we have lunch. I take my phone and head up to the roof.

I hear the door open. I turnaround and see him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He looks worried. "Tell you what?" I look away from him and walk over to the bench.

"That you are getting bullied! For god sake Annie. Talk to me!" I turn around with tears in my eyes. "It's not going to stop is it?"

I try to catch my breath as the tears sting my eyes. He sits next to me. I put my head on his shoulder. "When will it stop?" I start to cry. He pulls me into a hug.

"I can't do it anymore. Everything they said is true. It should have been me not my mam and sister. I'm a worthless piece of shit. No body cares about me-" he cuts me off.

"Stop that. It's not true. You need to tell someone." I look at him. "Tell who. I have pushed everyone away" he wipes my tears away. "You have me now" he says as brings me into another hug.

I cry into his chest. "When did this start?" I look at him. "Umm....the day after you Umm...kissed me" I sniff as I wipe my tears away. "Don't worry we will stop who ever is doing this to you" I nod my head.

I go home and run up to my room. I pull out a comfy outfit and put my hair in a bun. My phone buzzes again. My heart starts to race as I pick it up. I look at the message. "He slut. Just so you know Hayden is only using you for your body"

 Just so you know Hayden is only using you for your body"

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Tears slip from my eyes. I walk over to my keyboard and start to play a melody. I just sing what comes into my head. "You're not a dime a dozen
Oh your skin is golden
Let me show the whole damn world
You're one in a billion
The only thing you're missin'
Is some tape over that mouth
Body, I'm more than my body
You can pack your things up, buh bye, just go
Body, I'm more than my body
Don't owe you a thing, no, not at all"

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