Chapter 21

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Annie's POV
As I walk into the restaurant I spot Kenzie. I quickly walk over to her and pull off to the side. "Ok umm can you not tell anyone about me and Hayden please?" I look at her nervous. "Sure" she says with a smile.

I walk over and sit down at the stable. Jayden is sitting next to me on my right and Carson on the left. Hayden walks in and sits in front of me I roll my eyes as he smirks.

After a while our food is served. I look at it and smile. I love food. I start to eat my food as I feel some one playing with my feet. I look up at Hayden as he smirks. I lift my legs up and put the on his chair in between his.

He looks at me. I smirk. I feel my phone buzz and look down at it. "Meet me at the bathrooms" I look at Hayden and smile. This will be funny. I get up as Austin looks at me. "Bathroom?" He nods as I walk away.

I wait as I see Hayden walk near me. "What?" He look at an empty stall and pushes us into it. He locks it behind him. "God you just couldn't look more hot tonight." I look at him and giggle.

He lifts me up and puts my back in the wall. "Won't I destroy your lipstick?" I shake my head as I pull it out from my bra. He smirks. He kisses me softly. I start to play with his hair.

He moves my hair from my neck revealing the hickey he had given me. "Hayden. Cover it back up!" He nods and fixes my hair. I give him one more kiss. "You got a little something"

I point to his face as I fix my makeup. I walk back in and sit down. "What took you so long?" I look at Carson. "You really want to know? Ok so I had to take me pa—" he interrupted me. "On second taught I'm good" I laugh as Hayden walks back in.

I wasn't to long until we were finished. We get into the elevator. Me and Hayden being the last floor it gets to. As every one leaves he hugs me from behind. I look at him. "Hi..." I smile "hi"

I turn around as he kisses me. I hear the door ding as we pull apart. We walk out and down to our rooms. "Good night summerall" I kiss him. "Night Leblanc" I walk into my room.

I close the door as I lean against it. I really like him. Like a lot. I start to take off my makeup and change into my pyjamas. Tomorrow is the game.

I crawl into bed as I turn on the tv

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I crawl into bed as I turn on the tv. I watch some episode of friends before I start to drift off to sleep.

There was so much on my mind. Would Austin approve of Hayden and I? How would Jayden react? How would Bella react? Are we meant to be? Do I love him or am I in lust?

These questions surrounded my thoughts as I drift off to sleep. I hope that we do good tomorrow. Plus there is a party afterwards the game aswell. So that will be fun. Right?

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