PART 23 Kelton James

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I woke up on the floor feeling sore. I knew I hadn’t slept well. Then it hit me and I remembered the night before. I grabbed my cell. It was 9:30am and I had one missed call with a voicemail.
“Kelton this is Mrs. Fisher. I just wanted to call and let you know Skye is awake.”
When I heard the voicemail I couldn’t breathe from the amount of relief and shock. I jumped up and changed my clothes as fast as possible. I rushed out of my room and found my dad in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee. 
“Good morning. I heard you had a rough night last night. Would you like to talk about it?”
“I just found out Skye is awake so I really just want to get to the hospital as soon as possible.”
“Your mother and Kayla already left to get some things for the Fishers. I’ll let them know we are heading that way and to meet us there.”
The car ride was long. I didn’t really talk to my dad these days. Every minute away from Skye was torture. Entering the hospital, I nearly ran Kayla over. Before I could continue on she stopped me. 
“You’re not allowed in there.”
“It’s past 10am he’s allowed visitors.”
“He’s allowed visitors, but Kelton you’re not allowed to visit him.”
I stopped and whirled around to her.
“Why…Mr. Fisher. This has to be his doing. I’ll just go up there and Skye will let me in.”
“Kelton stop! He’s moved rooms now that he’s awake. And I talked to Mrs. Fisher, it wasn’t Mr. Fisher. Skye doesn’t want to see you.”
I felt the sharpest pain in my chest. I couldn’t believe. I could understand Mr. Fisher not wanting me around his son; afraid of me, but Skye not wanting to see me I couldn’t understand.

He must be mad at me. I outed him to his dad and the picture. I had to see him. I had to explain myself. I felt lost and defeated. So I sat down and refused to move.
“I need to see him. I’m not leaving until I do.”
Time passed. The hospital was a constant flow of people. I didn’t move. Kayla stayed with me and brought me food that I wouldn’t eat. My parents took turns checking on me.

The hardest part was watching my friends and classmates come in and get to visit Skye. Who knows what they were thinking when they saw me sitting there, but honestly I didn’t care.

After about six hours of sitting there I finally found myself alone. My family had left to get dinner and with visitors’ hours ending soon the crowd was thinning out. I was actually surprised when Mr. Fisher sat down next to me. 
“I hear you’ve been out here all day.”
“I need to talk to him.”
“I don’t agree with your lifestyle but I can see you care for my son. I had figured out you must have hit on him or kissed or something that made him drive off in a fury. You were the problem and you caused this. That Skye was innocent. Then I remembered all the nights waiting up for him. The smell of vodka and rum on his breath. The fights we would get into. I knew he wasn’t innocent. He woke up and we were just so happy he was alive. Then when he said he didn’t want to see you. I knew I was half right. You liked him and made a move. He was revolted and sped off. Then the visitors came and everyone asked about you. Saying they saw you on their way in. I don’t think anyone else saw it, but I did. I saw the shock, pain, the fear, and the guilt that crossed his face every time your name was mentioned.”
I didn’t know what to say. I sat staring at my hands in my lap.
“He loves you. Doesn’t he?”
I looked at him, unable to hold back tears. I nodded.
“I think so, but I messed up. There was a misunderstanding. Now he won’t talk to me.”
He stood up. He took a few steps then stopped and looked at me.
“Follow me.”
I walked into the hospital room. It was identical to the last one but it had fewer monitors surrounding the bed. I stopped inside the door afraid to move closer. He looked horrible; bruises that had barely been there the night before covered his face and arms. 
“Skye.” Mr. Fisher quietly said.
He opened his eyes and looked at his dad. It took him a moment to notice me in the door way. 
“I said I didn’t want to see him.”
Mr. Fisher started toward the door. 
“I’ll give you two a minute to talk.”
Then he shut the door behind me. I suddenly felt scared.
“I don’t want to talk to you. Leave.”
“Skye, we need to talk about what happened.”
“No we don’t, get out!”
I stepped closer and stood at the foot of the bed. 
“First I didn’t know you had a drinking problem. I never would have gone to that party with you if I had known.”
“Don’t make this about me. You cheated on me!”
I froze, I felt like I had been smacked. 
“I never cheated on you.”
“I saw the picture.”
“That picture was from last year. The guy in the photo was a good friend of mine in New York and it was a posed kiss for the camera. I know how the picture looked but I can’t believe you would think I cheated on you. I love you. You should have asked me about it. If not at the party, waited until after. I looked for you all over the place. I was so relieved when Kayla told me she found you. When I saw you by the car, wasted, I was surprised. I had never seen you so angry. We had no way to go after you so I called your dad. He picked us up and we started looking for you. The hospital called your mom and she called us.”
Tears were running down my face and I didn’t care anymore.
“I was so scared. I was afraid you were gone and it was all my fault. I didn’t leave your side for hours until Kayla and your mom made me leave. Even after all of that, I didn’t feel real pain until I showed up here today and they told me you didn’t want to see me. My heart broke. After all of this you still didn’t want to see me. I’m so sorry.”

Uncontrollable Love (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz