PART 11 Skye Fisher

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My heart was beating faster than ever, but when Kelton told me to breathe I instantly became calm. I just stood and waited as I watched Rick and Caleb getting closer to us. 
“Hey man, what’s up?” Rick asked.
“We just got some food.”
I was unable to speak so I just nodded at them. 
“You’re not staying?”
“No we are heading to my place. Skye and I have some stuff to work on before he has practice.”
“Well, maybe next time. I got to catch up with Caleb, the man was starving for a burger all day.” 
He said good bye to us and headed inside the Pub. I breathed in deep. I turned and continued on my way to the car. Kelton followed behind me. 
“Now see that wasn’t too terrible.”
“For you maybe!”
Kelton looked at me and gave me a smirk. I started up the car and took off for Kelton’s house.
“Kayla are you home!?!”
Kelton yelled through the house. We made our way into the kitchen and he got each of us a drink. Kayla walked into the kitchen.
“Did you bring me anything?”
“Sorry, didn’t know you would be home.”
Kayla pulled out a chair and sat down with us. She attempted to steal a fry from Kelton but he smacked her hand away before she could succeed. Then she smiled at me.
“I don’t think so!”
She frowned and got up to fix herself a sandwich. 
“So what are you two up to today?”
I lost my breath for a moment before I remembered that she already knew everything and was ok with it. To avoid the questions I shoved my mouth full of my hamburger and fries, only taking a break for a drink. Kelton was calm and seemed to have no worries. 
“I don’t know, just hanging out. Why what’s it to you?”
She finally sat back down sandwich and pop in hand. 
“Just wondering? Why can’t a sis know what her brother and boyfriend are up to?”
“We’re just going to be hanging out around here.”
I took my last bite when I noticed Kelton still had half his burger left. Kayla was the first to comment.
“Were you hungry?”
She let out a little laugh and I just smiled at her. 
“Yeah I guess so.”
“Well let me finish up real quick and we’ll go down the hall.”
I started to look around his house. It was very small compared to mine. It was very ordinary, much like the rest of the houses in town.

It was a basic rectangle shape house. It was a home for the basic needs of a family. There seemed to be no extras to the design or the décor of the house.

Before I knew it Kelton was done and had cleaned off the table for the both of us. So I got up and followed him down the hall. We stepped into a small room that was his bedroom. Even though it was very small it held a full size bed, TV stand, computer desk, and a nice size book shelf. I just stood in the middle of the room, awkwardly, looking around. I had been in guys’ rooms all the time but this was different. 
“So what would you like to do? Watch a movie? I would offer to play video games but I haven’t had time to find them and unpack them since the move.”
“A movie is fine. I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it all before my rehearsal with Kayla though.”
I know it’s a sad excuse for leaving early but it was all I could think of. Kelton nodded like he understood and grabbed a movie anyway. 

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