Part 15 Kayla James

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I walked into the room with Skye. 
“Hey sleeping beauty!”
He gave me a smirk. I turned around and headed back to the living room. I sat in the chair, so in case they joined me they could have the couch. In just a few moments they did. 
“So what did I miss while snoozing away? I still can’t believe you two let me sleep for so long.”
“You just looked so peaceful laying there I couldn’t dare wake you.”
I was happy they were getting past their awkward phase. I was truly happy Kelton was able to find someone but also a little jealous that he took one of the hottest guys in school. 
“So what did I miss?”
“Nothing much, Kayla was asking me about some of the guys at school. We talked about making up our rehearsal later this week.”
“So nothing of any importance to me.”
“Well I have to get going.”
I could see Kelton’s mood do a 180 instantly. After saying our good byes Skye left. I gave Kelton a few seconds before battering him with questions. 
“So how did it go?”
“What do you mean?”
I swear I saw a little blush start to show up before he turned away. I followed after him. 
“You know what I mean. You two were all alone in the bedroom. I was afraid to go in that’s why I didn’t tell you I was leaving in person.”
He turned around and gave me a look before continuing back down the hall. I was giggling the whole time. 
“Then I leave and you guys have that house all to yourself. And you are trying to tell me nothing happened?”
I could tell by the way he was avoiding the questions that something had happened. 
“Come on I was dying to ask Skye but I couldn’t. So you have to give me something. Come on, we tell each other everything!”
I pouted.
“Ok are you done with your little tantrum?”
He turned towards me and smiled. 
“Ok I’ll tell you what happened.”
I listened to his side of the story and was completely overjoyed for him. It didn’t surprise me that Skye was not ready to take the next step in their relationship, and I think a part of me was happy about that. It didn’t surprise me that Kelton had pushed for it anyway. I was happy it all ended well. They weren’t there yet but slowly getting there. 
“I’m happy for you Kelton!”
“Thanks! …You know what?”
“He’s different. He’s not like all the guys I’ve met and dated back in New York. He is special. I think it’s because of that, I’m willing to wait for him to be ok with us.”

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