PART 10 Kelton James

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The rest of the day was tough. School was the farthest thing on my mind. I couldn’t concentrate on anything the teachers said. I was in the best of moods. I couldn’t wait for the school day to be over with and to be in the car with Skye again. The fact that it was Friday and the beginning of the weekend just made things ten times better. I am hoping to spend most, if not all weekend, with him.

When the final bell rang instead of going back to my locker like usual I just headed straight out to the car. Skye wasn’t out there yet so I just sat on the hood of the car. As people came out and left they waved and yelled at me to have a nice weekend. I hadn’t realized how many friends I had made in just one week of school. I laughed and thought that it must be because it’s such a small town. 
“What’s so funny?” 
Skye was standing next to me, smiling. I hadn’t even seen him approach the car. I smiled.
“Oh nothing. Come on let’s go!”
I jumped up off the hood and got in the car. 
“So where are we off to?”
He turned on the car and looked at me.
“Let’s go to the Pub and gets some burgers.”
Skye seemed to hesitate but agreed. I had quickly learned when I moved to Clarksville that it was the place to be. I think it had to do with the fact that it was the only place that served food with in ten miles of town.

The Pub was your everyday ordinary bar but allowed families and kids to come in and eat in  the dining area. Plus, everyone knows everybody so if you were underage you weren’t getting anything special.

We walked in and a good number of students were already there waiting on their orders. I felt Skye tense up as we walked to the counter and placed our orders. My chest sunk a little bit but I guess that is to be expected.
“Will that be for here or to go?”
“To go!”
Skye responded before I could even open my mouth. I looked around a part of me wanting to stay but leaving meant more time alone with him. So I had no argument with taking the food and leaving. They handed us our food and we headed out.

As soon as we stepped out the door I heard someone yelling our names. I looked down the street, it was Rick and Caleb. They were no doubt heading to the Pub. I waved and yelled back but Skye stood there, frozen. I noticed and smiled back at him.
“Breath!” I laughed.

Uncontrollable Love (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora