PART 19 Kelton James

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I didn't get back home until about 3 o'clock. I was surprised to see Skye's car in the driveway. I waved bye to Caleb and shouted a thanks for the ride. Then I hurried inside, excited to see him. I walked into the living room and found Skye and Kayla sitting on the couch watching a movie and sheets of music covering the coffee table, along with dishes and bags of popcorn. 
"Well it looks like you two are enjoying your Saturday off."
They both jumped and looked up at me. 
"Did I scare you?"
"Hey where have you been all day?" Kayla asked.
"I was out playing ball with Caleb and some of the other guys. How long have you been here Skye?"
"Oh he showed up like four hours ago looking for you."
I was surprised by this and looked at him confused. 
"Ok well I'm going to go get cleaned up and see if anyone wants to go shopping. I do really miss the shopping in New York."
Kayla pouted and walked off to her room. I just stood staring at Skye. 
"So what happened to your plans this morning? If I had known they got canceled I would have met up with you."
"It wasn't that. I lied."
I wasn't happy with that. I didn't understand yet and my anger was starting to rise.
"Lied about what?"
"I didn't have any plans this morning. I didn't feel ready to hang out together, alone. I wasn't thinking and just said something. But after I got off the phone with you and thought more about it I decided I would come over to hang out or something."
"Since you couldn't hang out I called up the guys because I didn't want to sit around all day driving myself crazy."
"Kayla thought you were with me until I showed up looking for you. This is all new to me and I'm trying. I want to be honest with you because I hope you are always honest with me. When you weren't here and gone for so long, a part of me was jealous and also a little worried something may have happened."
I was relieved and a little happy that he felt jealous. I moved to sit down next to him and leaned my head over on his shoulder. 
"Is this ok?" I asked him.
He put his arm around me.
"Yes this is ok." 
A car pulled into the drive and Skye practically jumped up off the couch. 
"Who's here?"
I got up and looked out the window. 
"My mom is home."
"Your mom?"
"Yeah, looks like she has some groceries. Wanna help?"
We walked outside and met my mom as she was opening the car trunk. 
"Need any help?!"
"Yes please. Where's your sister? She can help too. Oh hello."
She put her hand out and greeted Skye.
"I'm Vanessa, Kelton's mom."
"It's nice to me you, Mrs. James. I'm Skyler Fisher, but everyone calls me Skye."
"Skye, I've heard your name. You are Kayla's pianist right?"
"Yes I am."
I pushed through them with my arms full of food and headed towards the house. My interruption seemed to work because they emptied the trunk and headed inside as well.

Kayla walks into the kitchen and starts helping us put the groceries away. Skye's cell goes off and he excuses himself to the other room.
"I see you've met Skye. What do you think?"
I try not to stop what I'm doing but listen to hear her response.
"He seems like a nice kid. From what you've told me he is very talented. I didn't realize you two were hanging out together outside of rehearsals. Is there something more going on between you two?"
She was smiling as she teased my sister. I smiled and thought if only she really knew. Kayla flashed me a look and replied.
"Nah, it's not like that. We were just going over music stuff earlier. We are just friends. Plus, I think he is seeing someone."
"Oh well you never know. He's a very nice looking kid."
Both of us responded to that with a loud "Mom!" She just shrugged and giggled. Thankfully before anything else could be said Skye walked back into the room. 
"What did I miss?"

Over the weekend Skye met both of my parents and I met his. We spent all of our free time together. We found a way of interacting that allowed both of us to be happy. It was hard for me to hide my feelings sometimes. After a few weeks it got easier to know when and where it was ok to be closer to each other. For all anyone else knew we were just new best friends.

Before we knew it it was fall break and my family and I were going to New York to visit friends and family. It was a long four days apart. Thank God for cellphones. We were calling each other or texting constantly. When I wasn't talking to him I felt like a part of me was missing.

I loved being back in the city but now it felt empty. I wanted to show him not just the famous sites but the small things too. Like where I use to live and went to school. He was just as miserable back at home with nothing to do. I might be a cheese ball but I now believe distance does make the heart grow fonder. And of course Kayla was there to tease me and help me through our time apart.

When we got back I felt like Skyler and I had never been closer. He seemed to be a lot more comfortable at my house, even when my parents were home. He even agreed to stay at the Pub and eat with the guys after school. He was tense most of the time but I felt proud. I started thinking he was opening up and accepting his sexuality. 
"I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving break. Is anyone going anywhere for vacation?" Rick asked.
I smiled because I already knew the answer.
"Nope we are just having a big family dinner at home this year."
"Yeah, my family visited family in New York last month so we are staying home for the holiday."
Rick and Caleb were grinning from ear to ear. They looked at each other then back at us.
"So Rick's parents are leaving Friday for a four day business trip, and we are having a party on Saturday night! It's going to be crazy and you two better be there."
I was instantly excited. I hadn't been to a good party since before I moved here and I was ready to have some fun. I looked at Skye and I could tell he was all in.
"We'll be there!"
The news of the party spread like wide fire. The whole senior class was expected to show up. I stared wondering what a party would be like out here in the country.

I was not disappointed. We showed up and had to park half a country block (for city foke that's half a mile I learned) away because the drive was already packed. We walked up to the house put when we walked in there was hardly anyone inside. I thought that was odd considering how many cars were outside. I quickly realized the party was out in the back yard.

Once I saw the size of the yard I could see why. It was probably a few acres and in the middle was a bonfire with flames taller than me. 

Uncontrollable Love (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant