PART 13 Skye Fisher

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When I read the letter left by Kayla my chest became heavy again. I was really looking forward to the escape from this room. From the tension in the room, the energy between the two of us was unbearable. The air was electrifying and I found it hard to breath. It made me very nervous and uncomfortable.

I was completely drawn to Kelton but at the same time completely repulsed by him. So I just sat there. It didn’t help any when Kelton decided to sit on the floor with me instead of on his bed like earlier. He started up the movie again but I couldn’t concentrate on it. Every part of my body was conscience of his every move. I sensed he was getting tenser and readied myself for him to do something. So I breathed in and waited.
I turned to look at him, I wasn’t excepting that. I thought he’d make a move or something but when he said my name I could almost hear the uncertainty in it.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Are you sure you are ready for this kind of relationship?…because you always flip out in public and even now when we’re alone you are so tense, I don’t know what to do.”
I took in a deep breath. How do I respond to this? My mind was racing to find a simple answer to his question. That’s when I realize there is no simple answer. 
“Kelton I like you a lot. It will take me some time but I know I’m ready for this.”
I drew in a deep breath and kissed him. Pressing up against him, no open space between us anymore. Then he pushed me away and grinned.
“Wait! Skye I have no doubts you are ready for that part of the relationship but I’m talking about, not to sound like a girl, but the emotional part of it. Like if someone were to see us…could you handle that? Because I don’t want to be sneaking around and staying in all the time. I can wait, don’t get me wrong, but only for so long.”
I leaned back against the bed and thought about this for a moment. He was right. I was not ready for everyone to know about us and I know it’s not fair for Kelton, to make him sneak around.

As I was deep in thought trying to figure something out he moved so that he was right in front of me and started kissing me. Caught off guard it took me a moment to gather my thoughts back. This time I was the one pushing him away. He just looked at me, without saying a word. I couldn’t speak either. Again he leaned into me and kissed me.

This time I didn’t push him away. In my head I was ready for this. I was ready for the physical part of our relationship. It felt amazing. It felt right. Without a second thought I kissed him back. I embraced him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Kelton, no longer sitting in front of me, was now on his knees pressed up against me. I could feel his heart racing, his chest thumping against my own. The next thing I knew I was laying on the floor next to the bed. Kelton’s lips left mine but only to kiss my face and down my neck. After a second of catching my breath I knew this was going too far.
Only stopping to speak the one word.
“Stop. Please we have to stop!”

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