PART 12 Kelton James

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Slow and steady was not one of my qualities. Being from the Big Apple I was use to the fast pace life. By this time in a “relationship” we would be making out and some. But strangely enough I felt to be in no rush with Skye. I knew this was all new to him and I never want to push him to do anything. And when a thought would cross my mind I was quick to remind myself baby steps.

In the few days we had known each other we had kissed and he had accepted me and confided in me. Even now as we sat two feet apart in my bedroom watching the TV I could sense his discomfort. I mean he had not moved from that spot since I started the movie.

But I won’t lie, my body urged to be next to him, to kiss him again. And I knew the response that would get. Skye moved to look at the time. I took this chance to break the silent tension filling up my small bedroom. 
“What time do you have to leave?”
“We should start practicing soon.”
I could hear the uncertainty in his voice and could not help but feel a little hurt and angry at this. 
“You’re not trying to get away from me are you?”
I teased him, knowing it would make him even more uncomfortable. He looked up at me shocked and I think I saw a hint of shame. I instantly regretted it. I was afraid I went too far. 
“Why would you say something like that?”
I took in a breath. I didn’t know how I should reply. I wanted to be angry and yell at him but a part of me felt for him and didn’t want to make him anymore uncomfortable. All I knew was I didn’t want to argue with him again.
“I was just messin’ with you. Kayla is probably waiting in the living room for you.”
I gave a fake smile. He didn’t really respond back before leaving the room. I laid my head back and sighed. I had no clue what I was doing.

A moment later Skye was coming back into my room. I looked at him. My heart skipped a beat, did he skip rehearsal and come back to hang out with me, but my mind stopped when he asked where Kayla was. 
“She wasn’t in the living room? What about the room across the hall?”
“I don’t think she’s here at all.”
“That’s odd. Let me call her and see if she already went to the school or something.”
I left the room and went into the kitchen to grab my cell when I saw a note on the table. I took it back to my room and showed it to Skye. 
“She figured your guys’ practice was canceled for the day so she went out with some friends.”
I smiled at this but Skye was a little unsure about it. I just smiled at him.
“I guess that means you’re stuck with me for a while longer.”
He smiled back and sat down on the floor where he had been sitting before.

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