PART 21 Kelton James

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He wasn't answering his cell. My fears were only growing after Kayla told me how drunk he was when he took off.

I finally decided to call his house and hope he made it home ok. But when his dad answered and started sounding concerned after he told me Skye wasn't home. I didn't think twice before I told him what was going on. I told him we were stuck at the party and he said he was on his way.

It wasn't long before he showed up. We headed off the same way Skye did. But we didn't get far before Mr. Fisher got a call. It was his wife. The hospital had called. He said we would meet her there. I went numb.
It felt like forever before a doctor finally came out to talk to us.
"Skyler came in having lost a lot of blood and we've repaired that. He was said to have approximately hit the tree going at least 60mph. He is lucky to be alive. He is out of any real danger but his legs were smashed and pinned due to the accident. He just got out of surgery and is doing well. He won't be walking anytime soon but I don't see why he shouldn't be able to walk again after some long months of hard therepy."
Mrs. Fisher started crying again and her husband held her. 
"When can we see him?"
"He will be in recovery for a while and family only. We will find a private room for him to stay in until he is released in a few days."
My chest was so heavy I could hardly breath. It took everything I had to hold back the tears. Couldn't this doctor see I was screaming I needed to see him, I needed to be with him, this was all my fault, I needed to see for myself that he really was alright.

When the doctor left us we all just sat in silence. I don't know how much time passed, time does that in hospitals. When I looked up I found Mr. Fisher looking at me. I wondered what he saw. It took a minute to register. His son was in the hospital for reasons he didn't yet understand. And here sitting with him and his wife is a young man, his son's best friend, who is extremely upset, almost in tears, and if taken the time to notice being emotionally and physically supported by his sister instead of the other way around. I could only imagine the thoughts running through his head.

A nurse walked up and told us Skyler could have visitors now but family only and two at a time. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher stood up and followed the nurse through a set of double doors. 
"Kelton I know you're upset but it's not your fault. Lay your head down. I'm going to go find something to eat and drink. Want anything?"
I didn't reply just rested my head down on the chair she got up from. Time passed slowly and I stopped trying to keep track. Kayla came and went, trying to feed me. I eventually fell asleep but was woken up with a gently shake. Kayla sat down next to me.
"I just spoke to Mrs. Fisher. She told me he is being moved to a private room upstairs, room 615. He's allowed visitors but visiting hours are almost over. And Kelton..."
"He's not awake yet."
"What, why?"
"When he didn't wake up in recovery they examined him again and found some head swelling or something but that it should go away. It's common with serious traumas like his."
Once again my heart felt heavy with guilt and I had to hold back tears. We headed to his room. 
"I told Mrs. Fisher they could leave to eat or rest. I told her we would sit with him until they got back. She looked exhausted and I know they need a break."
I nodded.
"Plus it will give you time with him."
When we got to his room I had to pause and take a deep breath before going inside. I was relieved to see no tubes in his mouth or anything crazy like you see in the movies. He had a couple monitors on him but other than that he just looked like he was sleeping. When we came in Mr. Fisher stood up.
"I didn't know you two were still here but I'm glad you're going to sit with him so me can go home. Linda needs to rest and I'm going to pack up somethings because they said we might be here for a few days."
I couldn't say anything. I just stood there. Once they left I sat down next to Skye's bed. Kayla said she would give us a moment and will come back with drinks. I took his hand and looked at him. Even if I tried I couldn't hold back the tears. Finally letting go caused uncontrollable sobs. Once I calmed down I rested my forehead on the hand I was still holding. 
"I'm so sorry. I had no idea you had been drinking. I figured you were upset about what Sandy said and showed everyone because you walked off. I thought if I ran after you you would get upset because everyone would have been watching us. I should have done it anyway. Then maybe you wouldn't have started drinking. I couldn't find you. I found Kayla and she hadn't seen you either. I'm so sorry. Please wake up. Please Skye I need you. I'm so sorry. I love you."
I was quiet for a moment, trying to pull myself back together, when I heard something. I looked up and saw Mr. Fisher standing inside the door. I froze.
"uh...Linda forgot her purse."
I wasn't sure how long he had been there or what all he heard but I knew he knew.
"I'm sorry."
"Kelton, I just heard everything you said. It's not your fault. This isn't the first time Skye has been caught drinking. It's been pretty bad the past year. It seemed to stop when school started and we were relieved. We knew there was something going on that was causing the drinking but he wouldn't talk to anyone about it. When he started hanging out with Kayla so much outside of practice we figured they were seeing each other and somehow that was why he stopped drinking. But when I saw you out there in the hallway I knew something wasn't right. I figured you blamed yourself for causing the wreck or you had stronger feelings for my son than I thought. The way you acted by calling me and searching for him I had doubts that you were responsible for the wreck and I hoped it wasn't the other..."
"Mr. Fisher..."
"Wait. Now I understand it's both. For the first one: you cannot blame yourself. He chose to run from an issue and he chose to drink the situation away for the moment. You also didn't give him the keys or tell him to speed off. You can't blame yourself for the choices he made. Trust me it's something I've been working on all year myself with him. For the second part: I have no judgement on you for your feelings but I have to ask. Does he love you?"
I didn't know what to say. I looked at Skye and then back up at his father. 

"I honestly don't know sir. You will have to ask him that."

He just nodded, grabbed the purse, and left the room. Almost as soon as he left Kayla walked in with two sodas in hand.

"What was Mr. Fisher doing back in here? You look white as a ghost"

"Oh my God, Kayla. He heard me talking to Skye. He knows everything."

She talked to me and tried to help me calm down. I just sat there staring at Skye. What was he going to say when he woke up…if he woke up. That’s where I had to stop my thinking.

I laid my head down on the bed. I must have dosed off because next thing I knew Mrs. Fisher was walking back into the room.

“Thank you for sitting with him so we could go home. I tried to rest but I just wanted to get back as soon as possible. Please go home and rest. I believe we have your number. I promise to call when he wakes up.”

“Thank you Mrs. Fisher.”

I didn’t want to leave. I couldn’t leave him but Kayla took my hand. She looked at me like she understood but we had to go. I said a silent goodbye and walked out the door with Kayla. 

“I can’t go.”

“Kelton they need time with their son. Who knows if Mr. Fisher told her what you said. You shouldn’t be here when he gets back.”

I hesitated but nodded. I followed her to the elevator and out of the hospital. I didn’t see anything as I looked out the car window.

I got home and numbly walked to my room and laid on my bed. First my anger came out and my pillow didn’t survive. I finally collapsed and cried once more.  

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