PART 20 Skye Fisher

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I was happy to be there. It was really the first party of the school year and I was excited to have some fun. This was my scene before Kelton showed up. I was popular and very social.

I was excited to bring Kelton and Kayla to experience their first country party. It felt good to walk in and everyone greet me like they hadn't just seen me a day or so ago. I knew this had to do more with their drinking than my popularity but all the same.

I smiled at Kelton as I watched him take it all in. Kayla had a hold of my arm and was practically jumping with excitement. She finally saw some of her friends and ventured off on her own. We all agreed to watch our drinking but I quietly decided I wouldn't drink so I could drive us all home. Everyone was there, even some under classman and a few graduates home for the holiday.

Usually at parties here we are surrounded my corn fields but this late in the season they've all been harvested. It made the yard look even bigger and meant more people were venturing out into the fields to hook up. I always thought that was stupid and beneath me, but looking at Kelton right now part of me wants to pull him away from everyone.

He was so good to me, always so patient and understanding. It's in random moments like these that I find myself considering taking the next step in our relationship. Something was said that pulled me out of my thoughts and to the present.
"What kind of question is that Rebecca?" Caleb asked.
"I was just asking because that's what Sandy said." Rebecca replied.
I was the only sober one in the group and I suddenly knew what was going on. There was a rumor going around that Kelton was gay. After a moment Kelton responded.
"Why would you think that, Sandy?"
She pulled out her cellphone and held it up so everyone could see.
"I found this picture online of you kissing some guy."
As soon as I saw the picture I knew it was him. I froze and slowly filled with anger. I saw him glance in my direction but I turned and walked off. I could hear them talking as I walked away but I no longer listened them.

As I got closer to the house Rick walked up to me and handed me a drink. 
"You can't be leaving so early. Here have another drink."
I told myself. "Fuck it!" I downed the whole cup at once.
"Yeah that's what I'm talking about. Come on let’s have some more."
I followed him over to the keg and proceeded to drink a lot more. I no longer cared what anyone thought. You are supposed to get drunk at parties right?! 
"Wow how much have you had?" Kayla asked.
"You're pretty. Umm...a few more than...a few more."
"You're a mess. Where is Kelton? I should get him."
"Fuck him!"
"'ve had enough we should go home. Let's go."
I could see just fine but I must have been walking odd because Kayla put my arm around her and walked with me. The car was locked so I leaned against the car while she called Kelton. 
"I've been looking for you."
As soon as I saw him suddenly my anger over powered my intoxication. I quickly remembered I had the car keys. I unlocked the doors, got in the driver seat, and took off before Kelton could even reach Kayla.

The longer I drove my anger seemed to start to fade and the alcohol resurfaced. Before long the lines blurred and no matter how hard I pushed on the pedal I couldn't get going fast enough. I remember a hard shove and then nothing...

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