Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
on May 27, 2020 we are officially graduated college ready to move on with our lives we expect the unexpected I never would've thought that one house could turn into a deep rising nightmare!!!!!

G bro I cannot believe i'm officially graduated
C you are officially graduated Grayson we all graduated
G Oh right we are officially graduated
E Don't worry Cassie knowing him he's just I'm kidding
C Guys I can't believe it five years of school
G I know and we have two days to find something I don't wanna go back to my house specially was been happening with my girlfriend
C Oh yeah whatever happened to Chelsea
E Oh trust me Cassie she was a psychopath
C What are you guys me and I thought you liked her as a sister
G A sister Cassie she would literally call me five times a day and that's not the only thing that this girl wants from all of us so I dumped her ass then she moved back to her hometown
E oh yeah there's tons of stories but I can't believe it graduated we're done what do we do I'm not ready to go back home
C I'm not ready to go back home either even though yeah I miss my family but you guys we've been best friends ever since kindergarten and we didn't know that all three of us went to the exact same college together so we went to elementary school together high school together in a college together what in the world

E Unless
G unless what what are you thinking
E OK hear me out I'm 100% certain that this will work what if all three of us move in together you know find a place
C whoa wait a second are you crazy we are just fresh out of college and you want all three of us to live together I can't even live with the fact that Grayson is snores like anything and he's my best friend OK you're a quiet one at night time but do you think we should all move in together
E guys listen think about it we've been together I mean Cassie hasn't even find a boyfriend yet
C Oh really Ethan member that one girl that you almost dated What was her name again Hannah Interesting she wanted to marry you since the day she saw you remember that Ethan but go on
G Look it an amazing idea but the rent around here is expensive
C I'm literally working two jobs just to survive you two
G Dude where we supposed to find a house that's perfect for us
E if I can find a house within a week will you guys do it
C is this an actual idea I mean we have been wanting a house could we all live together I mean we did it for the past five years right so what do you think
G We have been living together the past five years so I mean when your house all three of us it's not such a bad idea
C OK Ethan 🙊 we're in you can find a house within a week we're moving all three of us but that means I get my own room and make sure it's far away from the two of you because one of you snores and the other one likes to make really Radical noises at night so
E perfect I'll start tomorrow because I'm literally exhausted from running across that stage
C I know I almost tripped over my high heels but thank God I save my ass
G I know we literally was just sit there and listen to that principle talk and talk and talk and I'm thinking when is this shit gonna to end
E specially did you see the superintendence falling asleep dude I was like on the crack of laughing but apparently he says no one is allowed to talk or else I'll start from the very beginning it was only an hour ceremony felt like it was 5 1/2 hours of the shit but thank God we all graduated and we're done

C well I'm actually gonna go and take a shower because I'm all sweaty and sticky and yucky and I want to be able to watch my show tonight
G uhh Cassie since when do you watch TV you're usually in your room studying like no tomorrow what got you into watching TV
E yeah you would always be in your room 24 seven studying and me and Grayson over here being goofing off like a bunch of goofballs
C well since I've been done for the last couple of weeks and I've been watching a little bit of TV only when you guys are asleep specially this one show I'm addicted to but I better go shower because I stink and I think I smell like armpits

Later on that night
E Grayson can you pass me the popcorn real quick
G Sure what's taking Cassie so long
E I don't know girls take for hours to get ready but this girl is literally going to bed is she trying to impress anybody
G dude why do you have to be on her ass all the time about dating  
E I don't know I just care about Cassie's happiness don't you
G Obviously I just don't want anybody to hurt  our little sister like that because if they do they got a knuckle sandwich
C Skews me Passing remote
G What the hell did you come from ping pong
E You would love to scare the crap out of us don't you
C All the time no hush up I'm trying to watch TV show I've been watching for years now
E Ooo can we watch it with you
G I meant to watching a new TV show while for us it would be new but for Cassie would be old OK I'm gonna shut up
C sure if you guys are not too scared
G What is this like a movie or something
C you'll find out and I'll be quiet I'm trying to watch this 
E Wait a minute Cassie since when do you watch haunted shows like this
C since I was little been pretty much interested in the paranormal activity stuff even though that's a movie I've been pretty much into it
G wait a second so you believe in the outside world have you ever seen one
C shh it's a good part

E/G God damn take it easy we're just asking a question
C Just the investigation itself oh my God it brings up jitters of my spine
G this is probably the most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my entire life am I being sarcastic absolutely am I gonna go to bed yes
E What are you talking about this shit is fucking scary what I'm being honest I'm Hiding underneath a blanket look at this
C Says the person over here that loves Halloween
G Ooo Actually not gonna lie though we should dress up for Halloween And go trick-or-treating
E Trick-or-treating dude you Gotta be kidding me it's for the kids not for adults like us
G Dude we're only 20 years old and what Cassie's 22
C you're lucky that you got that one right Grayson for a second there I thought you were going to say cassie is 28!!!!
E So since when did you believe in the paranormal stuff Cassie
C oh I've been watching stuff like that since I was like what five or six years old not a lot of people believe in this stuff anyways but I mean it's almost over it's only like white 1145 I'm gonna hit the hay
E Are you sure I mean we can still watch it with you
C No next up is the news and stuff I'm not up for that anymore 
E I mean I'm not really scared anymore it's kind of comforting I mean I have tomorrow to start looking for a new house since we all made a deal
G Hey Cassie whatever happened to that girl you were hanging out with back at home you guys still talk
C do you mean Daniela oh yeah we don't really talk anymore
E who's Daniela
C my exchildhood best friend we kind of just separated there is no fights or anything we just lost contact you know she's with her friends and with you guys I don't know if she was jealous that I was hanging out with you too because you guys are like the popular kids in high school in elementary school remember that
E oh you mean psychopath Daniela I'm thinking of hot ass Daniela
G Ethan seriously don't worry it's like he doesn't know the difference between two different girls have the exact same names and they are completely different people
C well I'm gonna head to sleep Ethan 🙊 you have a week to find a new house if you don't I am moving back to Canada
G do you guys have pet mousses

One week later
E okey Thank you will keep in touch OK bye-bye
C Still can't find nothing yet
E literally I just spoke to the real estate agent
C What did they say to you nothing
E as far as I know we still have to keep looking while I have to keep looking
C you know this is like the last day of you trying to find a house right
E  oh shit
C but I won't tell Grayson it's only Friday
Here I made you some coffee to wake you up
E oh thank you hey Cathleen can I talk to you for a second
C uhh yeah suer What's up
E so do you member that guy you went out with a couple months ago
C Oh you mean Kyle
E yeah that guy how did the date go
C Wasn't what I expected he's not my type anyways and we're not gonna go out again because he doesn't like my body type which what the fuck
E what an asshole don't worry you'll find that one guy one day
C I said how many times I got to go through a guy and then they dumped me because of a flaw that I have I just would rather not date anyone I mean didn't we make an actual plan that we're not going to date anybody
E I mean that's true But eventually you know we want you to be happy at the end of the day
C And I want you guys to be happy to I just don't understand why we can't have girlfriends and boyfriends because either one is too crazy one is too psycho one is too judge mental
E you forgot exaggeration on that one
C  I want to go get my stuff in order try to get some sleep
E I will let me just look at some more C okey Night Ethan E Night Cassie hmmm This is pretty interesting 8267 Claire Myth rd
Three bedrooms two bathrooms it's been remodelled the house is over five years old not too bad Let me write this all down let me give this agent a call hi yes can I have information about 8267 Claire Myth rn thank you Let me see Cassie and Grayson's are all happy about this
A Hello can I help you
E Hi my name is Ethan 🙊 Tolan and I'm looking into a house on 8276 Claire Myth Rd. Can I please have some information on that
A Absolutely just give me a minute
E okey no problem

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