reader x 12th doctor

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Dating was hard when you were a companion in the TARDIS. Yourself and Clara tried hard to maintain a normal life when you weren't whizzing around the universe, saving planets, unbeknown to their inhabitants. It was easier for Clara. She was young, beautiful and outgoing. You were more timid and anxious around strangers which made it next to impossible to go on dates.

You had finally met someone online. They seemed normal enough and they wanted to meet you for a date, which is always a bonus. Online dating is always tricky because it's very hard to gauge someone's personality over text messages and short telephone conversations. The person you were meeting seemed nice on text and was your type on paper, however you reserved your judgement until you saw them face to face.

You spent around an hour getting ready. It was decided between the both of you that you'd go to a 50s themed diner as you had discovered your mutual love for Elvis Presley. With that in mind, you slipped on a black skater dress with some red high top converse. You put on some makeup, enough to be noticeable but not enough to look like it had been caked on.

Whenever you went on a date with a stranger, Clara and the Doctor always parked the TARDIS close by incase you needed a quick get away. The Doctor hated the idea of you putting yourself in danger voluntarily by meeting up with someone you'd met online. It was so easy to lie about yourself online; so easy to create an attractive, safe persona only to betray someone's trust within 5 minutes of meeting them in real life.

"Have you got your phone?" Clara called from your living room as you ran around the house, panicking that you didn't have everything.

"Yes! It's in my bag along with my keys and my purse"

"Have you got the panic button a gave you?" a Scottish voice said from behind you, a look of concern on his face. The Doctor had built you a discrete panic button that was directed straight to the TARDIS control room incase you were in a situation you couldn't excuse yourself from.

"Yes, it's in my bag. It never leaves my bag. Now, stop worrying, I have a good feeling about this one" you smiled at the older man who was blocking you from leaving your room.

"Now, the TARDIS is going to parked next to the back exit to the kitchen. Don't let them drive you home, no matter how well the date goes" Clara said, moving the Doctor out of the way and cupping your cheek affectionately. "You look stunning by the way"

You blushed and looked at your feet. Without another word, you went to your front door, blew your two best friends a kiss and slipped out of your flat to hopefully meet the person of your dreams.


Two hours later you walked around the back of the diner and to the TARDIS. You dragged your feet, kicking every stone you could along the way. To say the date was a disaster would be an understatement. As your arrived at the front door to the TARDIS, you snapped your fingers to walk through, snapping them again to return the door to its original state.

"That bad huh?" Clara sympathised from across the control room. You just simply nodded with tears in your eyes.

"Hey, hey don't cry. What happened?" Clara rushed to your side and sat you down on the stairs before walking over to the secret drinks hexagon and pouring you a whiskey.

"It was awful. They looked nothing like their pictures, they made everything sexual, they looked at the waitress' arse the whole night and they didn't even like Elvis, they just were fishing for something to claim we had in common. I'm never going on another date again" you huffed, taking a sip of your whisky.

"Never say never Y/N. One day you're going to find someone who looks at you like you're the only being on the universe worth paying attention to, someone who counts their lucky stars everyday they get to be with you. You deserve someone who's going to love you beyond the end of time. You deserve the world" Clara held your hands as tears rolled down your face. You couldn't look her in the eye, all you could do was cry into your whisky as you stared at the scuffed toes of your converse.

"She's right Y/N. Now stop doing that with your eyes, how do you do that anyway? It's like they inflate" the Doctor joked from behind you. You wiped your eyes and laughed softly as he sat beside you. If this was his past regeneration, you would've set your head on his shoulder but you knew this this current Doctor wasn't big on human contact so you carried on staring downwards.

"Love is pointless in the long run. Let's face it, in 200 years, will you remember their eyes?" you directed the last part of your question towards the Doctor.

"Love and hope are the two most important thing to have in one's life. Love doesn't just cover romantic relationships Y/N. I love you and Clara very much. You are both my closest friends and I cherish you both dearly. You both deserve the universe with how selfless and brave you both are. Love could never be pointless. In the over 2000 years I've been alive, I've never forgotten a face and that includes eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul and I will never forget yours or Clara's eyes. I can assure you both that" he spoke softly but with purpose. He didn't ramble or stutter. His diction was well thought out and meaningful.

Both yourself and Clara were shocked at the Doctors words. He never expressed his love for his friends unless the occasion was life or death. He was stoic when he needed to be, but when the time suited it, you could read his emotions like a beautifully written book.

"I think I could give love another try" you whispered.

hello :), sorry that i've been gone for a month, i've been stressing about trying to get into the uni i wanted and decorating my room at the same time. in this one, i tried to make the romantic interest as gender neutral as possible due to the fact the doctor isn't the love interest. i tried my best but let me know if i've slipped up anywhere and i'll change it asap. requests open as usual :)

cheers x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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