reader x 11th doctor

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There were Daleks everywhere. You never knew you could have such a crippling fear of salt and pepper shakers with whisks attached to them but here you were, back to back with the doctor, one exterminate cry from your knees giving way. You reached for the Doctor's hand next to you and intertwined your fingers with his.

"Please tell me you have a plan" you whimper, squeezing him tight.

"A plan! Yes! Well, no, not really. Not a plan exactly. More of a hail Mary"

"A hail Mary. Of course, how very on brand of you Doctor!"

Without another word, the Doctor dragged you down a corridor in an effort to outrun the Daleks. He shoved you forward through a sliding door and turned to face his lifelong enemies.

"This planet is under my protection! Leave now or face the consequences" the Doctor yelled, holding out his screwdriver towards the fleet.


"Ah, right, that's not good" the Doctor said, mostly to himself as he turned towards you to run.

The Doctor, your doctor, made eye contact with you. Even though he chose to regenerate into a 26 year old with a 5 year old's mentality, his eyes was all the evidence you needed to see his actual age. They held over 1000 years of memories. Memories filled with loss and love. Faces came and went but his eyes kept him grounded; kept him familiar. In that moment, his eyes were full of fear, full of regret until they weren't full of anything. No light, no history, no life. You didn't even hear the sound of the Dalek's blaster fire, or the sound of it hitting the Doctor square in the back. You only heard his bloodcurdling cry and his body hitting the floor. Time froze. Every fibre of your being hurt with the grief that your best friend, the one that saved you from yourself, from a meaningless life in a 9 to 5 job, was currently in a heap on the floor.

He wasn't regenerating. Why wasn't he regenerating?

You bolted upright in your bed, eyes snapping open. You were covered in a cold sweat and were shaking. Your heart pounded as you, looked around the room suspicious and paranoid that the grief may have followed you through the dream world into your reality. You knew this was a ridiculous thought, but anything is possible with the Doctor right? The Doctor. You got up cautiously, shivering, rubbing your eyes to try and refocus your vision. You threw on a hoodie and shorts over the oversized t shirt you slept in and padded through the TARDIS to find the Doctor. You knew it was a dream but your mind couldn't rest again until you found him.

As you arrived in the console room, you saw the Doctor reading something on the console screen. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and tiptoed over to him. You snaked your arms around his waist and rested your head on his back.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" the Doctor asked, his voice laced with concern, as he rested his hands on top of yours.

"I had a nightmare about you and needed to know if you were okay" you whispered, on the verge of tears.

The sound of your voice broke the Doctor's heart as he spun around to hug you and stroke your hair. He pulled you back to hold your face, his hands on either cheek.

"Dreams are just that okay? Dreams. Not real. I promise, I'm okay. I'm always going to be here. Cross my hearts" he whispered, wiping a tear from your cheek with his thumb.

"It just felt so real" you mumbled, more tears cascading down your face, faster than the Doctor could catch.

"I know, I know" he whispered as he swooped you up into a bridal carry and sat you on his lap in the console chair. He kissed your head as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear until eventually you feel asleep again.

Peaceful in the knowledge that you were safe in the arms of the Doctor.

AN: hello again! i hope you enjoyed the second instalment of this little book. i have to admit i did nearly cry writing this one. i'll try to make the next one a little more cheery. have a great day :)

cheers x

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