reader x 11th doctor

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"Sonic" the Doctor said, holding out his hand expectantly.

"Sonic" you replied, taking it out of the toolbox that resided on the floor under the swing the Doctor was currently sitting on.

The Doctor was working on the TARDIS under the console. He sat on the swing, sonicing wires with his goggles on as you supplied him with tools and general conversation.

"So, how does the old girl actually work? I mean I know she's alive and has a mind of her own, but, what's the physics?" you asked, genuinely interested. You'd always been a big science geek, you just never let that side of yourself shine through when Amy and Rory around. Your brain was conditioned to think that normal people wouldn't like the nerdy side of you.

"You, Y/F/N, wants to know the physics of the TARDIS?" the Doctor ripped off his goggles to give you a look of disbelief.

"Well yeah, I'm interested. In my mind, I know that because of Einstein's theory of general relativity, time and space are separate. They're wrapped up into four dimensions – there are three dimensions of space and the dimension of time. Together they combine to create the fabric of space-time in which all the universe exists, but how does the TARDIS travel through all of that?" you question, slightly pacing back and forth, the Doctor's eyes never leaving you.

"Did you just relay Einstein's theory of general relativity to me?" the Doctor whispered, mouth agape.

At first, you couldn't understand why the Doctor was looking at you as if you'd just told him you were pregnant; confused, slightly terrified and wildly curious. Then you realised that you had never nerded out in front of him before.

"Oh right, closeted nerd right here" you laughed, growing uncomfortable. The Doctor noticed you shifting uncomfortably and jumped into action.

"Yes! So! You obviously know just above the basics of time and space" the Doctor started, taking your hand and leading you up the stairs to the console so he could use the console screen as a learning aid "please let me know if I'm rambling or you get lost because I'm about to blow your mind with knowledge!"

About an hour later, you were sitting in the pilot's chair, cross legged, intently listening to the Doctor finishing his explanation of the TARDIS's physics. His eyes lit up when he spoke about something he was passionate about. He got excited when he saw the cogs turning in your head as you connected the dots and relayed certain information back to him to check you had understood correctly. You'd never seen him so happy to have a conversation with you and with that, your previous anxieties about being interested in science were snuffed out. The Doctor made you realise that if people didn't like who you were, nerds and all, they weren't worth your time. He was so unapologetically himself and you looked up to that.

"And that's why time travel is also risky and full of paradoxes – like the grandfather paradox. Don't worry though; you're with quite the professional" he chuckled as he sat on the floor by the pilots chair.

"Thank you for taking the time to explain it all to me, I know you had other stuff to do. It was so interesting, so much better than watching YouTube videos on space" you smiled, running your fingers through the Doctor's hair beside the chair.

"You are so very welcome. How have we travelled together for so long and I never knew that you liked science?

"Well, that is still a secret to the rest of the world I'll have you know. Being picked on throughout high school for it was enough for me. I don't want to give anyone more of a reason to dislike me you know" you mumbled sadly.

"I can't promise you that no one will ever tease you again Y/N/N, even I get the odd comment here and there, but you can always be yourself in the infinite corridors of the TARDIS. I promise you that" the Doctor looked up at you as he placed his hand on your knee. You looked into his eyes and nodded slightly, smiling before jumping off of the pilot's chair and walking towards the stairs.

"Come on, this time machine isn't going to fix herself"

AN: hello, sorry i've been gone for a while, i've been going through some stuff. hope you liked this one, i think its rather trash if you ask me but hey ho. thank you for reading my little book :). requests are open as always

cheers x

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