reader x clara

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When the pandemic hit, you were in London, taking a break from the TARDIS. Monday 23rd March 2020 Boris hopped onto the TV to announce a nationwide lockdown. No one was to leave the house except to get essential food stock. It was terrifying to say the least. You remembered crying as you sat in front of your TV in your little flat in London, scared about your future; about the future of the human race. Death rates were up to 1000 daily and kids were told to home school for the time being.

3 weeks the man in charge said.

That was 15 weeks ago.

15 weeks was a long time to be by yourself. Every day, you called the TARDIS so that the Doctor and Clara could come and get you, but they were always out of range. Every day, you watched the country get worse as you watched the daily briefing. Slowly, you began to decline. You weren't eating very much, and you would go days only leaving your bed to get a drink or a snack. No human interaction for 100 days was a lot for someone who travelled the universe with her two best friends. Constant company.

On day 101, you were sat in the middle of your bed staring off into space. Your outfits during the pandemic had consisted of pyjamas or oversized t shirts and sweats. On that particular day, you were wearing an oversized ACDC t shirt and grey sweats. Your hair was tied in a messy bun and you had dark circles under your eyes. It was rough. You fell onto your back and stared at the small crack in your ceiling. As you stared at the spot, you heard a familiar whooshing sound fill your flat. You thought you had finally gone crazy and were now hearing things, but you were pulled out of your daze when a female voice called out your name.

"Y/N?! Are you here?" Clara called, running through your flat, checking every room until she got to yours.

You slowly rose into a seating position, tears filling your eyes. You prayed with everything you had that you weren't dreaming or hallucinating. There she stood, your best friend, there person you told everything to, your rock. She stood at the end of your bed looking as perfect as ever in a red floral dress with a black collar. Her hair was neatly tied back in plaits with two strands left out and curled next to her ears. Her face was painted with concern and worry as she looked at your frail figure and sunken face. You sobbed as Clara crawled onto your bed and pulled you into her arms. Her dress was getting wet but that only made her hug you tighter. You heard the Doctor come out of the TARDIS and walk into your room but felt Clara shoo him away.

"I called, every day for 100 days" you whispered "I thought you'd left me"

"I'm so sorry Y/N. We would never leave you. I promise" Clara soothed, stroking your hair.

You lifted your head to look at her. Mentally, you knew you were a mess, god knows how you looked physically.

"Come on" Clara took your hand and led you to your bathroom.

As she ran a bath, you looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink for the first time in weeks. Your t shirt hung off of your thin frame and protruding collar bones. Dark circles clung to under your eyes and your hair was a mess.

"This is rock bottom, you hear me? You're going to be okay from now on. I'm never leaving your side again." Clara said firmly from behind you as she rubbed your shoulders. You nodded tearily.

"I'll be just outside the door; you can talk to me if you like"

You sat in the bath for 20 minutes listening to Clara talk about everything you'd missed. A ghost that wasn't really a ghost, flying the TARDIS with the Doctor, the Crimson Horror. It sounded like they had a tonne of fun in your absence. You dried off and changed into the outfit that Clara had picked out for you; black space pyjama trousers and a bright red champion hoodie. You were grateful for the baggy clothing as you didn't want the Doctor to see how much you hadn't looked after yourself. You towel dried your hair as you and Clara walked into your living room to find the Doctor reading a book on your sofa.

No words were said between you and the Doctor, he just pulled you into a tight hug. You breathed in his scent as you returned the hug, smiling for the first time in 101 days.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't know how bad earth was in this timeline. We would've come sooner if we'd known" the Doctor whispered into you head.

"I know" you mumbled.

The rest of that evening was spent on the sofa with Clara and the Doctor, watching Marvel movies and eating pizza.

This whole thing was finally over.

hello all :) the start of this chapter could easily be a pitch for a really bad action movie. sucks that it's real life eh. i wasn't sure whether i needed to put a trigger warning at the beginning of this as it does get a tad deep, but i did anyway just to be safe. i hope you're all keeping healthy and safe. requests are open as usual :)

cheers x

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