reader x 10th doctor

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Music was always a passion in your life. Whether it be putting together a playlist or learning a new song on an instrument, music was always a big part of your life. You played a few instruments, but the guitar was by far your favourite. You could easily lose yourself in a song composed by yourself but more often than not, other people's songs. The Doctor had never heard you play, and you planned to keep it that way. Even though you could play well, and you had been told plenty of times that your voice was incredible, you were still very insecure about your musical talent. You tried hard not to perform in front of people, only your parents and close friends. Somehow, you'd managed to lug your guitar into your room in the TARDIS one day without the Doctor noticing and since then you'd only play when you knew the Doctor was working on the TARDIS. When he was being Mr Mechanic, anything could happen, and he wouldn't even notice. He even missed the old girl accidentally drifting through an asteroid field once because he was sonicing wires and whatever else he does when he's down there.

It was one of those days. The Doctor was working on the TARDIS which gave you the perfect opportunity to play your guitar and maybe have a little sing along. You took your most prized possession out from the back of your wardrobe and tuned her up using an app on your phone. As you did it you could hear your Grandpa saying,

"You're not a real musician if you can't tune your guitar by ear".

Once the guitar was properly tuned up you attached the capo to the 5th fret and moved your fingers across the fret board to their desired position of each chord of the song. You started by playing Better Together by Jack Johnson; singing the words with your eyes closed, letting muscle memory take over. It was a song that you grew up hearing and a song that your Grandpa loved to hear you play. Your Grandpa loved anything you played for him but this song in particular made him smile the most.

When the song ended, you heard someone shuffle behind you which made you jump. You whipped around to find the Doctor standing there in his brown pinstripe suit and converse, smiling at you.

"How long have you been standing there" you blushed, standing the guitar up against your bed.

"Long enough to hear the last verse and chorus properly. You left the door open and the music travelled down into the console room. Normally, I wouldn't take any notice but the voice that filled the console room was magnificent. I had to find out where it was coming from and here, I find you." The Doctor walked into the room and sat himself on the floor in front of you crossed legged.

"Calm down Doc, it wasn't that good" you sighed slightly, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Are you kidding?! It was amazing! Is that why I've never heard you play? It is isn't it? You don't realise how amazing a musician you are."

You blushed deeper in response and played with you fingers. On your left hand, the tips of your fingers were hardened from playing the guitar, but the rest of your hands were soft apart from a couple of scratches. Maps of yours and the Doctor's adventures together.

"Play for me" the Doctor whispered, placing his hands on top of yours. His hands were warm but even more damaged than yours. His were calloused from being the amazing person he his. That and also burning and shocking himself multiple times while he was Mr Mechanic.

"I can't, I get nervous when I know people are listening and then I mess up and then it sounds horrible and the-"



"You're rambling, and that's my job"


"It's okay, look, I'm going to lay down here and close my eyes" he said, kissing your forehead and climbing onto the bed you were sitting on "and if you want to play, you play in your own time. If not, I'm perfectly content with silence, especially if I'm in your presence" he had a goofy smile on his face that made your heart melt.

That's exactly what happened. You both sat in a comfortable silence for about 20 minutes before you gathered up the courage to pick up your guitar again and let your fingers dance over the strings. The Doctor gave you a confidence you never knew you could possess.

For that, you were forever grateful.

AN: i though this one was kinda cute. thank you guys for 100 reads. thats really cool! requests open as always

cheers x

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