reader x 11th doctor

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When you first started traveling with the Doctor, you kept your human activities quite private. You tried your best to be next to silent when using the bathroom, even though your bathroom was an en suite and your room was quite a walk from the console room where the Doctor spent most of his time. You kept your womanly cycle to yourself (with the exception of Amy. She had a woman's intuition and sometimes knew before you did) and made sure you went and bought tonnes of supplies when you visited home to keep you stocked up for that one week every month. Your mum had suggested you go on the pill as she knew your anxiety towards the whole situation, but it wasn't that easy to keep a proper schedule of when to take the blasted thing. You were a time traveller after all.

Today was different though. Today, you had the worst cramps in the world. You actually couldn't leave your bed it hurt so bad. You had never felt pain like it, it was like someone had a vendetta against your uterus and had their heart set on attacking it every time it moved. All you could do was wallow in self-pity and occasionally cry under the covers for hours. Eventually, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" you call out weakly, sitting up too fast and consequentially wincing as the door opened. It was Amy and Rory.

"Hey hon, you alright? You've been in here all day and we've just landed back at the Pond household. Rory and I are going to go home for a while. You're welcome to come with us and bunk in the spare room" Amy's Scottish accent filled your ears.

"No, it's okay. We've been travelling for a while. You and Rory deserve a bit of alone time" you grimaced.

Amy and Rory noticed your pained expression and sat on the empty side of your bed, their faced painted with concern.

"What's wrong Y/N? Why do you look like you've been shot?" Amy asked, placing her hand on yours.

"Just the pains that come with the eternal curse of being a woman" you tried to joke, still obviously in pain.

Amy understood straight away. However, it took Rory a while for it to click into place but once it did, he had the upmost sympathy for you bless him.

"But don't worry about me. You guys go home and enjoy being married instead of trying to avoid the whole till death do us part bit" you smiled, giving your closest friends hugs. The three of you had become very close since the Doctor picked you up around about a year ago. They had become your family and you theirs.

"Just as long as you're okay. You're not dying of some alien disease we don't know about, right?" Rory said, half trying to cheer you up, half serious.

"No, I am not dying. It might feel like it but no. Now I love you guys but go home!"

The two Ponds stood up. Amy gave you a hug and Rory kissed your forehead and before you knew it you were alone again. You looked at your bed side table and Amy had left you pain killers next to your glass of water. She really did mother you sometimes, not that you were complaining. As you finished taking the pain killers and draining the glass of water, you heard another knock at the door.

"Amy I'm fine! Stop worrying!" you called.

"It's me" you heard an all too familiar voice mumble

"Oh, come in"

The door opened and the Doctor practically fell through the door, carrying everything from DVDs to Lucozade. He set everything down on the empty side of your bed and smiled at you.

"What's all this?" you chuckled nervously, wincing.

"Amy explained to me the type of pain you were in. I didn't really understand it at first, but I did some research and figured I could help" he said, straightening his bow tie, obviously as awkward about the whole situation as you were.

"Oh right, well, umm, what were you thinking?" you scratched the back of your head. You never wanted the Doctor to find out you were on your period. You had done you best to keep that side of your monthly life secret up until that point.

"Well, I was thinking, we could have a Harry Potter marathon if you'd like? I brought snacks and the boxset?" the Doctor smiled. He was being really understanding of the whole thing. He could've been a total man about it and go on an adventure without you and wait until your time was over before he bothered you again. But he wasn't.

"Sounds like a plan to me, on the condition that there's fish fingers and custard"

So that's how you two spent to rest of the day and well into the night. The Doctor went and got changed into the only comfy clothes he had; grey joggers and a black t shirt with a little white bowtie printed on it. By the fourth movie, the snacks were long finished, and you were on your second bottle of Lucozade. You shifted uncomfortably. Even though the past hours had been magical, and you felt content lying next to the Doctor, you were still in a lot of pain. You tried to hide it from the man lying next to you as he'd done so much to help you today; you didn't want him to feel like it was for nothing.

"It still hurts doesn't it?" he whispered, turning onto his side. You continued to stare at the ceiling, wincing but you nodded. There was no point lying to him now.

Suddenly, you felt a warm hand touch your stomach under your t shirt. The hand started moving in a clockwise motion, massaging the spot it hurt most. Surprisingly, this act was easing your pain by tenfold. The Doctor's fingers felt like electricity on your skin. You turned your head to the side to meet his eyes. He looked nervous, as if he was scared of hurting you further.

"Is this okay?" he mumbled

You nodded as you moved along the bed to cuddle up to him and place your head on his chest. You listened to the beat of his heats as he wrapped his arms around you. The Doctor felt like your safety blanket.

The next day, Amy and Rory came back to the TARDIS to pick up something they'd left in their room. On their way back out, Amy popped her head into your room to check on you only to find you and the Doctor cuddled in the exact same position you'd both fallen asleep in. Amy smiled as she shut the door again silently. Her ship was sailing.

AN: hello. *says she's going to update everyday* *misses the next day of updating*. i'm sorry, i was feeling exactly like the reader in this imagine. officially the worst pain of my life :(. anyway, i know this one was a bit long winded, sorry, i just wanted to get a bit of amy and rory in there. i quite like this one but let me know what you think. as always, requests are open :)

cheers x

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