reader x 11th doctor

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Music was blasting through the TARDIS speakers as you, Rory and Amy played darts with the board that was situated near the door. The three of you were playing a variation of darts where you had to hit every spot on the board until you got to the bullseye. The first to hit the bullseye wins. You were on the bullseye and on the verge of winning when the Ponds decided to try and distract you.

"I have a pointy dart in my hand and you really think it's a good idea to try to tickle me Roranicus?" you questioned the man who was currently sneaking up behind you, hands poised to attack.

"Good point. Take the shot" Rory admitted defeat.

As you took the shot, you heard Amy pretend sneeze as if to make you jump. However, much to the Pond's disappointment, you had anticipated this type of sabotage and therefore was unphased by the noise.

"Bullseye!" you laughed and jumped around at your victory. Amy and Rory both shot you a look of fake sadness as Keep the Car Running by Arcade Fire came on the TARDIS speakers.

"Look, you two fight for second place, this is my favourite song. I'm going to enjoy my victory by dancing" you smiled before running up the stairs to the console.

The Doctor was reading a book in the pilot's chair. You didn't see him while you danced around the console to your favourite song. As you danced, your top rode up so much so your tattoo on your hip was exposed. It was a small, space tattoo; a couple of novelty planets and a constellation running through them.

"When did you get that?" you heard an all too familiar voice say from behind you as you jumped out of your skin.

"Ahhh never do that! You scared the living daylights out of me!" you shouted as you clutched your chest.

"What? I've been here the whole time. You just don't take enough notice" the Doctor chuckled and pointed at your hip. "When did you get that?"

"Oh, my tattoo, right. Well I got it on my 18th birthday" you replied, going red as the Doctor rose from his seat and slowly moved towards you.

"What does it mean?" he mumbled, reaching you and placing his hands on your hip, lifting your shirt with his thumb to see the tattoo again. It was a smooth move which was very out of character for the Doctor. He was so infatuated with your tattoo, he didn't have any head space left to be awkward.

"It pretty much means what you think it means. I love space, have done since I was a kid so I got some of it tattooed on me so I could carry around a piece of it with me. I never imagined I'd be able to experience space like I have with you though" you looked up to meet the Doctors eyes, painfully aware of his hands on your hips and his thumb tracing the exposed skin that held your tattoo.

"Is that so?" he whispered, you both stared at each other in an odd way, as if it were a silent conversation. Your glances battled each other, until his lips brushed yours. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, desperate and full of longing. You wanted to pull away before you lost yourself, aware of the other people in the control room, but you couldn't. He was too perfect. You captured his lips in yours as you moved your hands up to tangle your fingers in his hair. He squeezed your hips as he brought you even closer to himself, reacting quickly to your sudden action of lust. You both pulled away when you ran out of air and put your foreheads together, panting.

"You got any other tattoos you'd like to share?" the Doctor whispered, smiling cheekily.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see" you said, pecking his lips and walking off in the direction of Amy and Rory, leaving the Doctor standing there, watching you go, speechless.

AN: i really like this one :). i am aware i've done quite a few for 11 but i will be doing some for 10 and maybe 12 and 13 soon. i could also do some companion stuff too. i like writing for amy and rory and i'd quite like to try and write for clara, bill, jack, donna and rose. anyways, as always, requests are open :)

cheers x

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