35. The Big L

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"Fuck that. I ain't eating shit."

Yoongi aggressively shook his head in refusal as Seokjin offered the humans breakfast, or at least attempted to.

Amethyst asked her father to cook her favorite dish as a reward even if she didn't get her cheesecake. The Grand Warlock happily obliged to feed his daughter up.

Since they haven't heard of witch meals, the humans and mutt were skeptical about it. Once they saw what he made, they ultimately were against the entire course and the race of witches.

"I'm with Hyung. I don't want this." Jimin pushed back his plate.

Namjoon had a fist over his mouth before he retched while staring at what was before him.

"Come on, Hyungs. Don't be rude. Eat it..." Jungkook attempted them to cave in. He wasn't necessarily wanting to eat it, because he didn't want to, he was being a kiss ass.

"HOW CAN I EAT THIS WHEN I KNOW THERE'S CAT IN HERE?!" Yoongi exclaimed as he slammed his hand on the kitchen table, startling the good host Seokjin.

"Yet, you invent things like twinkles that are still good after decades." Taehyung scoffed as he chewed into his served food.

"You fucking cowards." Amethyst rolled her eyes as she happily ate her meal. "There is nothing wrong with cat brain noodles."

"Uhhh, there is definitely something wrong with cat brain noodles." Jimin retaliated. "You're eating an innocent animal."

"So? You eat lambs, cows, chickens, pigs, and they are all innocent." She shrugged.

Jimin blinked defeatedly.

"Okay, but eating a cat is like eating a familiar." Namjoon pointed out as he reached for what looked like an apple in the fruit bowl.

"Nonsense, humans." Seokjin fluttered his fingers gracefully, making all the plates he served in front of the guests. "We don't eat the daily life cats as you presume. The cats we feast on are from Lomagry, where the finest and freshest livestock and vegetables."

"What's so special about that?" Jungkook asked.

"They're munchkin cats and they're not actually cats or brains. We just call it that..." Seokjin explained.

Exhales of released tension flew across the coven as the humans and mutt weren't really eating cats. It gave them enough courage to dig into the witch meal.

As they slurped the noodles, signs of approval were exchanged among them. The consistency was smooth and cooked into a perfect al-dente. The sauce was rich yet tangy with a hint of beef in flavor. Vegetables were green and crunchy as it mixed well with the so-called cat brain.

"Wow, it's pretty good." Yoongi smacked his lips, trying to grasp seasoning. "Paprika and cumin?"

With a closed smile and cheeks protruding out, the Grand Warlock nodded as he watched them eat.

"I told you, weaklings!" Amethyst grabbed seconds from the pan. She got more and put some on Taehyung's plate as well.

"Seokjin makes them best." Taehyung complimented as he threw bread on Ami's plate.

"I wouldn't say the best." Seokjin's ears reddened as he received praise.

"Why is it even called cat brain noodles if it isn't cat brain?" Namjoon questioned as he devoured his breakfast.

"Well, no one wants to gravitate towards a dish called rooster testicles noodles?"

"WHAT?" The guests gagged as they dropped their utensils.

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