"Well, let's go get your siblings, I have a surprise for you" I tell him and wink. He laughs before trying to wink back, he's so freaking cute.

We walk to the car and hop in as we drive towards the primary and elementary school where his siblings are. They happen to be right next to each other thankfully. I hop out with him and go to the front door to see Tayson, Turner, and Tatum all coming towards us from different sections of the buildings.

"How was your day?" I ask smiling as my girls come and hug me especially Tatum and I kiss Turner on his cheek. He's so big, he's twice the size of his sisters.

"We don't like school!" They tell me just like Trevor.

"I have a surprise! Let's go get in the car!" I tell them as their faces light up, all except Tatum. They all pile into the car quickly.

"Look under your seats" I tell them as they all look under them and pull out their favorite meals.

"Thanks Mommy!" Tayson says as she shoves a waffle fry into her mouth.

"Your welcome baby! Okay, let's go home, we have homework to do!" I tell them as they groan and eat their food in the backseat.

Turner decided to sit in the front today and Tatum was forced to sit in the back not to her liking by the look on her face. "Tate what's wrong baby?" I ask as I look at her through the rear view mirror. "Tate?" I ask again as she looks up at me and just stares at me for a few seconds.

The rest of the ride home is quiet except for the sounds of my babies smacking their lips as they eat. Tatum still won't eat or talk though, as we pull up to the garage they all get out with their backpacks and food.

I stop Tatum before she can get through the door though as the rest of the kids go rushing into the house yelling "Daddy!"  

"Tate talk to me" I demand as I sit down blocking the door and pull her backpack off of her and set in down while placing her Chick-fil-a bag next to it.

"Tate what happened at school?" I ask her as I pull her down to sit on my lap and I place my hand under her chin to lift it up.

"The girls at school told me I was ugly" she says as tears fall down her soft cheeks. Fuck those rich bitches who hurt my daughter.

"Baby, why did they say that to you?" I ask as I rub her back. She cries into my shoulder as I feel her tears.

"They said I didn't look like them. I don't have blonde hair and I don't wear the clothes they do" she tells me as I rub her back. I know she doesn't because she wears normal clothes. She has on Nike tennis shoes, some jeans, and a little girl Carolina Panthers tee. I thought she looked adorable this morning.

Trevor and Turner only wear running shorts and tees like their dad and Tayson demands that she's just like them so she wears Tanner's clothes that she steals. She's a tomboy at heart but she's similar to me in a lot of ways.

Tatum's my baby though and always will be because she's the first girl I ever had. I love her and this kills me, "Tatum I love your outfit and I think that you look so good today" I mumble to her as she sighs.

"But mommy I don't look like them and they pick on me!" She demands as I lift her legs into my lap and hold her as close as I can.

Tanner's Torment (Kingston Series #2) ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz