What about Me??

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Bad's gonna stream on Twitch! Bad's gonna stream on Twitch! Bad's gonna stream on Twitch! And it's not going to be like his YouTube streams!!!! :D

What if... What if he joined the SMPs for his streams? Both iDots and Dream SMPs

Dream Team x BadBoyHalo

Anyhows, this was inspired from George kissing his friends' MC characters...
Disclaimer: This is Weird. Like weird weird. Not that weird but still weird.

I wanna say it's more of a platonic? Can be platonic at least.—well, depends if your friends lick your face... Cuz mine tried and I swear I shrank inwards. Anything that has to do with mouths are just... Ehajhdkwisjajk no. 😂😂


Bad had seen the clips. He had to... Why else would he be charging in George's room with his nose scrunched and mouth in a pout.

Sitting on the bed, George was busy scanning through Twitter with his phone when the brunette chose to plop down next to him, rolling to lay his body on top of George's. Huffing out air, the Brit slightly raised an arm to acknowledge his friend with glasses.

"...yes Bad?"

The brunette squinted his eyes, chin rested on the Brit's torso.

"I can't believe that you kissed Dream and Sapnap! What about meeee????" Bad whined leaving George no choice but to laugh at his childishness.

Shrugging, George leaned back on his headboard, phone going back to cover BBH's face.

"Well, that's what you get for hanging out with Skeppy instead of us."

Dramatically gasping, Bad responded by nudging the phone away from his face. "But I- wha- I thought- Geppy needed-" he stuttered characteristically, pointing fingers both touching as he averted his viridescent eyes from the man with an accent.

"You even kissed Callahan before me!! What the muffin, George?! He doesn't even live in this house!"

Bad tried again by changing the subject. It was true though, unlike Callahan, Bad, George, Dream, and Sapnap all decided to live under the same roof for both saving and roommates purposes. The brunette apparently came home with both Dream and Sapnap bragging about how George kissed them (on the cheeks) on stream.

Rolling his eyes, George put down his phone by the coffee table with a sigh. "Fine, fine..." He breathed as he took a hold of his friend's dark hoodie, dragging Bad closer to him.

Leaning down, the Brit placed a quick peck on top of his friend's pointed nose.

"There–" not even letting George finish, Bad has already jumped out of the bed with a wide, goofy smile on his face.

"Yes!!!! Thaaaaaaank yooooouuu!!!"

And there went the brunette, running down the hall presumably going to brag about it to their other roommates. Chuckling, George rolled his eyes and went back to surfing online.


Dream and Sapnap were both in the backyard, shooting some type of a silly challenge for the latter when Bad came through, crashing the whole video.

"Baaad," Sapnap, who already had two hot sauce in both hands, groaned at his friend's intrusiveness.

Ignoring his friends' annoyance, Bad hopped closer to them with a hand still pointed on his nose. Like how the sun brightened the whole world, the brunette's excited smile lightened up the two's salted mood.

Almost jumping, Bad went over to Dream first with a proud smile.

"Guess what? Guess what?"


"George kissed me on the nose!"

BBH exclaimed like a child who got candies as a treat. The brunette could hear Sapnap doing a double-take. The boy in a white hoodie dropped his jaw; puzzled to find out that the only reason for the brunette to interrupt his recording was to announce how George gave him a peck on his nose.

Dream, on the other hand, crossed his arms with his hip pointed sassily outwards. The blonde raised a brow yet unlike the other, he had an irreversible smug grin on his face.

"Oh really?"

Bad enthusiastically nodded, finally content at not feeling too left out of things. "Yes! Take that you muffinheads–!"

The brunette wasn't able to finish when the taller, blonde-haired male leaned forward and decided to touch his shortest friend's nose with his tongue.

Feeling the tip of his nose turn cold, Bad flinched back, immediately swiping the wet spot off his face. "What the fudge?! Dream, no!!" The brunette yelped, face turning red from getting flustered. Of course, as to finding other's misery amusing, this made the green hooded man laugh.

Sapnap had stepped closer to the pair, a suggestive smirk written on his face as he slowly wrapped an arm around their shortest friend. "Wow Bad, if that's all you wanted you could've just asked!" And as if on cue, his head leaned a little bit closer.

Already expecting the worse, BBH quickly jumped out of his friend's hold.

"Wha- no! I-"

Shaking his head, the brown-haired gamer started waltzing back in the house. "Nope! Nope nope nope. Don't come near me ever again."

Dream and Sapnap wheezed out a laugh, starting to mock the brunette with fake whines and cries.

"Buuut Baaaad, all we wanted was just one kiss!"


And with that, BadBoyHalo slammed the backyard door shut.

You know what? Screw Friday uploads. I'll post a chapter in this whenever I want >:/ told ya it was weird.

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