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DreamHalo anyone? qwq Angst. Just Angst.

a bit of DreamNotFound too.


Parked outside his house, Clay took the keys out but stayed inside the vehicle. His left hand subconsciously going up to his neck where the trail of kisses is placed. His grip on the wheel tightened, guilt crawling up his back the longer he sat still inside the car with dread pooled in his stomach. 

He was seeing George for the last couple of weeks behind Darryl's back. And today, he ended his affair with the Brit. Why? Simply because he can't do it anymore. Lying in front of his boyfriend who made him dinner every time he gets home late was becoming too much. He goes his way off to meet George in his apartment while Darryl stays home cleaning the entire house, making sure that everything was comfortable and set right. 

Darryl, his boyfriend, who always prepares him lunch before going to work. Darryl, the one who's always doing his best to be positive for the two of them whenever he hits a dead-end in his projects. Darryl who stayed with him through his worst moments, Darryl who he cheats on. 

Clay didn't even realize that his body had set on auto-pilot until he entered the house. A tear ran down his face when he heard the brunette's voice singing from the kitchen. "Dar?" A breath got caught in his throat abruptly stopping his words. His heart was pounding in his chest, panic rising, his entire body screaming for him to run. 

But Clay stayed still. He disregarded the alarm going off inside his head when he saw his boyfriend's face pop from behind the kitchen. "Clay? Love?" Darryl saw him and the smile that lit up the brunette's face made Clay want to kick himself. He stood frozen, unwilling to follow his mind's commands. He did this and he has to see it through the end. He wasn't going to run away like a coward. 

"Darryl, I- I have something to tell you." he cringed at the sound of his own voice. 

"Hold on! I'm almost done cooking your favourite food!" Another flinch, another kick to himself and another knife that plunged in his heart that's filled with guilt. "I- it's important Dar..."

Darryl huffed and called out, "Fine, fine... just a sec." This was it. There's no going back now. The brunette turned off the stove and walked over to him. A smile never leaving his face as he did this, tiptoeing on his toes to give a peck on Clay's nose. "Alright, I'm all ears babe." The brunette exclaimed, a bit excited for something he doesn't know is going to put him in deep pain. 

And thus, Clay started. Opting for the truth this time, no more lies, no more deceit. He told him everything about him and George, how he cheated, how he lied, how used him; as he did this, Darryl's giddiness sparked out. The bright smile that was once there slowly faded into a nervous frown. The eyebrows pressed furrowed in both confusion and surprise. His whole face fell into a broken expression and Clay wished he could turn back the time. Time where before he made his grievous mistake. 

Oh how badly Clay wished for the ground beneath him to open up and swallow him whole, to drop dead right there and then. He doesn't deserve him. Doesn't deserve Darryl's kindness and understanding. After he's done, he expected for the brunette to yell at him. To slap him or kick him, to throw a fit or some type of enraged emotion. He wishes Darryl would do something; instead the man just stood there in front of him. Crying silently.

Clay prepared for the worse. He sucked it all up because he'll understand it if Darryl won't ever forgive him. Thinking of when the brunette would yell at him to get out and to never show his face again. He'll suck it all up because he knows it's his fault for hurting someone who did nothing else but to fully love him back.

Darryl's cries subsided, the shaking of his shoulders lessened. He looked up to Clay with sadness and hurt still printed in his eyes. "Clay..." the sound of his name coming out of Darryl made him flinch. Why? Why did he still have the same gentle tone as before? 

"I- I forgive you." Was he dreaming? Why? How? Did Darryl just... His hands formed into tight fists as he forced himself to lock eyes with someone he knows he doesn't deserve. Darryl raised a hand up and he prepared himself for the impact. The slapping sound and stinging pain. 

He opened his eyes when he felt Darryl lightly caress his cheek, he stared straight at the brunette's green eyes that are now puffy, his own eyes welling up in tears. What did he do to have the heavens give him Darryl? 

 "Clay, promise me you won't do it again." 

And with that, he didn't stop his own tears from pooling out. He nodded his head, leaning against Darryl's hand as he gently held it against his cheek. "I promise you, I won't do it again. I won't ever do it again. Darryl, I'm so sorry..." He hiccupped. Darryl nodded his head, his own face covered in tears and fresh new ones that came up to join the party. 

He wrapped his arms around Clay, burying his face at the nook of Clay's neck as he continued to sob. This time, Clay cried with him, holding Darryl in his arms as best as he could, he almost loses him. Fuck, he should've lose him. He doesn't deserve him. 

"I'm sorry..." He heard Darryl whisper, "I'll- I'll be better." 

For the tenth time that day, Clay felt his heart shatter to pieces. Darryl deemed himself to be defective. To be the one at fault who's the reason Clay cheated. It wasn't right, this wasn't right. It was Clay's fault, not his. It was Clay's... He's the one defective.

Don't get me wrong, I love Dream. I just saw the prompt and it made me wanna write this. I wish Dream didn't have to go through something as horrible as this, but again, it was out of my grasp nor anyone's really. I'm happy that he's doing better now. 

F for the people who got cheated on and respect for those who forgave. 


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