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You. You know who you are... I am still hesitant with this but ehhh???? Dream Team x Bad

This is... gang AU! :D Cuz like, there are a lot of teams and it seems fitting. Oh, and warning: blood, trauma, all the shenanigans that might disturb you. 

Either proceed with caution or skip this entirely.


"Is this it? We're going to strike tonight right?" Sapnap, the youngest of the group, asked for reassurance. George had his round glasses on, his expression is nervous yet determined. 

It was about time they get their friend back, once and for all. 

Ever since they heard that the Trio has disbanded, they were all sad for their friend—whom was a member of it—yet deep inside, were also glad. Bad did say he will join them if anything happened to his group. 

Although the worst happened. When the group disbanded, Bad was kidnapped the very next day he was supposed to join the Dteam. After putting in a lot of work hacking unto surveillance cameras, George was able to identify the gang that abducted their friend. 

The group wore a darker shade of blue leather with the letters written in caps at the back of it: I-D-O-T-S. A gang they were in professional rivalry with as well as the sleepy bois inc. (the currently high ranked cabal).

And what made it worse? Skeppy joined the iDots because, he himself, was an original member of the clan. When Dream heard about this, he almost broke yet another monitor of theirs if it wasn't for his two boyfriends calming him down. A6d's location is currently unknown.

It had been 2 months too long. Heavens knows what happened to their friend by then. It wasn't a secret that the iDots has been trying to bully BBH even before the Trio disbanded. The dream team spoke this topic to him, telling the brunette that they could offer protection.

Bad, being the total aloof he is, declined and said that, "They won't do anything. They're Skeppy's friends. Sure, they can be scary some times... but they don't mean any harm. They're all just being a bunch of ragamuffins."

Dream clicked his tongue, glaring behind his mask as they scope around the area. Turns out, the iDots are leaving for a business meeting with another cabal for the night, leaving only Vurb and Finn in charge of the base. 

"There! They're leaving already." George pointed out. Both of the two's head whipped and sure enough, they saw Spifey, the tallest of the group, walk out of the base with Skeppy in tow. Upon seeing the latter, Sapnap couldn't help but growl. 

The Brit noticed this and carefully placed a hand the raven-haired male's shoulder. "Control yourself Sapnap. We have to go stealthy." As much as Sapnap wanted to do the opposite, he just nodded his head in agreement. It was true, this is for Bad anyway.

And last out of the door was Zelk. The current leader of iDots. 

"Time to move. Come on." Dream informed the pair and they all began sneaking in slowly, not forgetting to disarm the alarms that might spoil their little surprise.

Their plan was simple and quick: Get in there, let Dream handle the opponents, have George and Sapnap scout the area for any clues of their green-eyed friend, rescue him, escape.

George and Sapnap both found the basement where tortures are mostly held. "Bad?" The pair began calling out, walking through the cells. While a minute has passed, the only response they received are muffled sobs and whimpers. 

As soon as they heard this, the two looked at each other before taking off. Pointedly avoiding to look at the other prisoners inside the other cells. It was George who got to him first, picking out the lock before Sapnap got to kick it open.

The British walked up first, hands raised up with his palms facing the brunette to show that he wasn't a threat. "..Bad?" 

"No! Don't- Don't touch me!" Badboyhalo screamed. Voice hoarse and raspy. When they finally got  a good look at their friend, the pair swears their stomach dropped ten feet below. The raven-haired started feeling sick, suddenly getting the urge to throw up. 

They wished they didn't have to see him like this. That Bad wasn't supposed to look like this. Brow hair disheveled, face all smudged up with dirt and a few bruises. He was wearing a shirt that looked like his supposed size but suddenly looked too large for him to fit. He lost tons of weight and it didn't take a genius to figure out how badly he was starved. 

The usual pink—luscious looking—lips was now pale and cracked. His eyes were wild, breathing fast and shallow, his whole body trembling in fear; flinching away from George's outstretched hands. Sapnap also stepped forward, leisurely as possible to not frighten the already scared boy.

"Bad, do you remember us? We're not going to hurt you," He spoke in a gentle voice. Watching as his British boyfriend approached the brunette, "Listen to me. You're safe now and they aren't going to hurt you again. We're here now. Trust me, we won't let anybody hurt you." He carefully took Bad's hand and held it firmly.

Sapnap almost expected Bad to yank his hand away in his panic, but he didn't---instead he relaxed a little, tears forming in his eyes, and let out a breath. "I..."

"It's okay." George offered him a gentle smile, and pulled the brunette into a hug he didn't resist. "It's okay, we're here now. We're here now, Bad..." Upon seeing his c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ friend so broken, Sapnap couldn't resist the urge to join in their embrace. 

As soon as he took one step forward, the sound of the basement door opened, rushed footsteps echoed and the familiar breathing sound of his blonde boyfriend reached his ears. Dream came running over, a key in hand as he panted. "We gotta go. They won't be too long now, I managed to knock both of the fuckers out." He breathed while starting to unlock the other cells that held other breathing prisoners inside.

Nodding in agreement, Sapnap jogged over the pair, relaying George the information as he readies himself besides Bad. 

"Alright Bad, let's get your cake out of here." Was all he said before crouching down and hoisting the male up in his arms, carrying him bridal style. The brunette let out a yelp, frail arms coming up to hold unto the younger male's shirt. 

The raven-haired boy had always wondered what it felt like to carry the brunette in his arms although right now, he really doesn't like the fact that Badboyhalo barely weighed a mass. 

"I've done it. Let's go!" Dream yelled over and Sapnap started following him, making their way to get out of the house and escape.

They did it. They got him out of the damn hellish place but, did they rescue him?

While running, Dream took the chance to glance at his long time friend. Bad has now passed out from fatigue in Sapnap's arms, cheeks a bit hollow and feet bare. Gosh, what did they do to you, Bad?

Aaaand cut! I think I'm going to make a part 2 about this. idunno... I still feel like it's a sin to be writing this T~T but I've read a fanfic, seen the possible outcomes and gosh isn't it too hard to let it pass?! Guilty-pleasure... damn.

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